We are seeking a post-doctoral researcher to join my research group at
UCLA. The lab focuses on the structural studies of challenging targets:
membrane protein complexes and channels from eukaryotes (yeast and several
parasites) and seeks to characterize their architecture and molecular
mechanisms of action combining X-ray crystallography, SAXS and cryo-EM when
necessary and possible.

     We will exclusively consider applicants with proven experience in
protein crystallography, cloning, protein expression and purification. Previous
experience with membrane proteins is highly desirable but not required.
Candidates should hold or expected to soon hold a PhD degree in a relevant
area (Biophysics, Structural Biology) and have excellent social and
communication skills in english (very important). Interested candidates
should send a CV and personal statement together with the name and
addresses of three references.

   I will be attending the ACA-2013 meeting in Hawaii this coming week and
will present a poster presented from 5:30-07:30pm on Sunday, July 21.
Motivated individuals are invited to directly contact with me.

Pascal F. Egea, PhD
Assistant Professor
UCLA, David Geffen School of Medicine
Department of Biological Chemistry
Boyer Hall room 356
611 Charles E Young Drive East
Los Angeles CA 90095
office (310)-983-3515
lab      (310)-983-3516
email     pe...@mednet.ucla.edu

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