[ccp4bb] Issues with running BLEND- tried both ccp4-7.0 and ccp4-7.1

2022-10-13 Thread Shivani Sharma
Hello all! I am trying to run blend on some datasets, and it keeps getting stuck at: > Input command lines < I have tried running it using ccp4-7.0 and ccp4-7.1 on terminal. I run: blend -aDO . I have also tried creating a .dat file with complete path to each INTEGRATE.HKL and it still

[ccp4bb] Unable to send a query email to supp...@proteindiffraction.org

2023-11-13 Thread Shivani Sharma
ror). Does anyone know how or who else to contact regarding this issue? Shivani Sharma Biology Program Representative, Graduate Center-CUNY Director, Community and Events, Nucleate NY Student representative, Users Executive Committee, Brookhaven National Lab LinkedIn-https://www.linkedin.