Posted on behalf of Prof. Stefan Knapp

Note that this is another PhD position (not the same one as previous post last 

The Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Goethe University Frankfurt, 
Germany, currently offers a position for a PhD student in the research group of 
Prof Knapp ( The position is 
available from January and the appointment is funded for 3 years by the Marie 
Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Innovative Training Networks (ITN) grant. 
PDZnet (Unraveling Principles of PDZ-mediated Cell Signaling).
The project is embedded into a highly interactive European training program 
involving internationally well recognized laboratories and companies.  The 
advertised position aims to study the function and structure of modular 
proteins that organize multiple PDZ domains into supramodules. We will study 
the structure and substrate specificity of these multi-domain assemblies with 
the goal to elucidate their function in cellular signalling and to exploit the 
possibility for the development of protein interaction inhibitors targeting PDZ 
The ideal candidate would have a Master degree in Chemistry, Biochemistry or 
Biophysics and experience in protein biochemistry and protein expression. We 
are an international team and good knowledge of English as well as excellent 
communication skills will be essential. Female candidates are especially 
encouraged to apply. Precedence will be given to handicapped candidates at 
equal qualification.

The planned research will be done in a highly stimulating and international 
research environment, integrated in the life science campus Riedberg Interested 
candidates are encouraged to submit their CVs to the following e-mail address:<>

Closing date for application is 31st October 2016

Prof. Stefan Knapp.

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