

Doing some research for historical purposed – no litigation at all – trying to 
identify the first “legal” PC-DOS compatible PC, “legal” in the sense that it’s 
BIOS was not a copy of an IBM BIOS.  Eagle gets the honor of being first MS-DOS 
compatible and getting sued for copying IBM’s BIOS 😊


The Compaq Portable which shipped in November 1982 is generally credited with 
the first legal MS-DOS compatible PC.  AFAIK it could not run PC-DOS and those 
applications which depended upon certain IBM BIOS commands would fail.


The first “legal” BIOS is generally considered to be from Phoenix which was 
announced in May 1984 and so far I have been unable to determine its first 
system deployments.  FWIW Wikipedia points to HP, Tandy and AT&T as some time 
adopters of a Phoenix BIOS but my research so far is that Tandy’s T1000 family 
announced in October and November of 1984 was the first system to be PC-DOS 
compatible and it did not use a Phoenix BIOS!  Such PC-DOS compatible HP and 
AT&T systems were much later and the Tandy BIOS was written by programmers of 
Tandon Corporation, the OEM supplier of the first Tandy T1000s.


Can anyone identify a PC-DOS compatible PC announced earlier than October 1984? 
 Citations would be greatly  appreciated.





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