Is there anywhere I could go where people who are playing with
this system hang out?  I used to have a couple of very early
Model 16's and ran Xenix on them.  I also worked with a couple
of 6000's in a real production environment.  Lately I got interested
again and found an emulator that does a real good job and a
bunch of rather interesting software for it.  Some that wasn't
around when I was doing this for a job.  In one case, the package
has a note that while it installs they couldn't get into it because
the first thing it did was ask for username and password.  Well, I
figured out how to get into it and maybe there are others interested.
It's nice to be able to see how real work was done back in the day.
I have always wished some of the production software for the PDP-11
had survived, but at least this is a start.


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