dtmail does indeed support IMAP, and I've had it running with my home dovecot server without issue. It's certainly a primitive MUA but I don't really understand the sheer level of *hate* I keep seeing for it.

Seems like getting it up to a fundamentally "usable" level would only take two things:

1. SSL/TLS support
    probably the hardest part, but doesn't OpenSSL do most of the work?
2. HTML handling
    first step could be as simple as stripping out the tags with a regexp leaving plain text, kinda like what Sylpheed does
    maybe try handling <b> and <i> after that?
    perhaps job out HTML display to an external viewer? I think it already supports opening messages in a text editor...


On 1/16/20 10:06 PM, Jon Trulson wrote:
On 1/16/20 7:24 PM, Matthew R. Trower wrote:
DtAppBuilder is a bit weird, and not my niche to comment on.  As for DtMail...

If it had IMAP support I'd be using it today.  It's actually always irked me that I can't.  It has some rough edges, but those can also be smoothed.  It doesn't do HTML mail, but not everyone even wants HTML mail.

I haven't looked into it in a serious capacity, but I can't imagine IMAP support is some monstrous thing.  I'd wanted to get to this at some point (honestly the top thing I actually *want* to work on in CDE, as opposed to necessary maintenance work.)

I did it once for a customer using the alpine IMAP toolkit some years ago.  It was not trivial, but not really rocket science either.  From what I understand, TLS is what's really missing in dtmail... I don't remember, but I thought dtmail did already support IMAP.  Just unsecure/no encryption.  Oh, and HTML rendering, and....

DtMail may not be serving much purpose at the moment, but I don't see a viable replacement for it, either - not something with the history, not something built for motif, not something that runs comfortably on the same baseline of hardware that the rest of CDE does.

How about thunderbird?  That's what I am using right now... Pisses me off from time to time, but it works.

Though to be honest, I no longer even use CDE as my DT of choice. I'm firmly in the KDE camp and have been for the last 10 years.

I've been wondering why I waste my spare time continuing to maintain CDE.  Perhaps it's time for someone who actually uses it day to day to take over in a primary role.  I'm about done to be honest.  There's so much more stuff out there that I'm interested in, and more willing to spend precious spare time on.  Any takers?

I ask - is this application actively hindering development?  I'm sure it has the same kind of code problems that the rest of CDE has, but are we, say, constantly fixing problems with it to keep the build going? Does it have problems that are leaking out into the rest of CDE?


From my perspective, the fact it is unusable and no one is fixing it is good enough for me to remove it.  I don't care about 'actively hindering development', whatever that means.  What OSS project ships known broken crap with it's implied support (and responsibility!).

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