Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the sixteenth release of BioModels Database.

In this release, 10 new models have gained entry to the curated branch. The public version of BioModels Database now contains 241 models in the curated and 212 in the non-curated branch. Together, these 453 models comprise 33702 species and 41069 reactions. Some of the existing models have been curated again and updated to SBML Level 2 Version 4. And some have been slightly changed for correction and to enhance reusability. Also the annotations of several existing models have been updated. The database now features around 17228 cross-references.

For more details, please check:

BioModels Database is being developed by the Computational Neurobiology
group (EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute, United-Kingdom) and the
SBML Team (California Institute of Technology, USA). The collaborators
are the Database Of Quantitative Cellular Signalling (National Center
for Biological Sciences, India), the Virtual Cell (University of
Connecticut Health Center, USA), JWS Online (Stellenbosch University,
ZA) and the CellML team (Auckland Bioengineering Institute, NZ).

BioModels Database development is funded by the European Molecular
Biology Laboratory (Computational Neurobiology group), the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (Computational Neurobiology group), the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (SBML team and Computational Neurobiology group), and the National Center for Research Resources (Virtual Cell team).

BioModels Database also benefited from the help of Herbert Sauro
(Washington University, USA) and Hiroaki Kitano (Systems Biology
Institute, Japan), and from the funds of the DARPA (Sauro team).

A big thanks to all collaborators and submitters.

We also want to thank the SBML community for their support and the tools they provide and develop.

The BioModels Database Team

Camille Laibe Coordinator
European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge (UK)
cellml-discussion mailing list

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