Dear members of the CellML community, 

I have a undergraduate student researcher who is interested in combining CellML 
models with SOFA-based interactive macroscopic visualization, possibly in 
conjunction with OpenCOR, and we are looking for suggestions on simple models 
that are conducive to such a visualization. In other words, a simple model that 
is compatible with integration with SOFA (e.g. derived from a SOFA Behavior 
model) through a series of baby steps. 

My student has an interest in cardiovascular applications, but if this area 
turns out to be too complex to couple with a macroscopic simulation, especially 
at interactive rates, we will certainly consider other areas. 

Can any of you, with broad knowledge of CellML models, make a suggestion? 

Thanks for your kind consideration. Best wishes,


Michel Audette, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor,
Department of Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Engineering,
Old Dominion University,
Norfolk, VA.
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