Hi all,

The first release candidate for the CellML API 1.12 (1.12-rc1) has been released. This release candidate will become the CellML API 1.12 if no-one reports any problems with it by next Wednesday (New Zealand time). Please try out the the API and report any problems on the Physiome Tracker at https://tracker.physiomeproject.org/, by e-mailing cellml-tools-develop...@cellml.org (you will need to subscribe to the list first using this page: http://lists.cellml.org/mailman/listinfo/cellml-tools-developers), or by e-mailing ak.mil...@auckland.ac.nz.

The files making up this release candidate are available here:
  * http://cellml-api.sourceforge.net/download.html#1.12rc1

This release candidate has a number of significant improvements over the CellML API 1.11: * Extra attributes are provided to make accessing a variable's initial value more convenient. * IVs on algebraic variables is supported with initial_value rather than RDF.
  * Documentation on using the CellML API from Java has been improved.
* KINSOL, rather than LEVMAR, is used as the non-linear system solver. This avoids the global state used by LEVMAR, allowing multiple simulations to be working concurrently to return results more efficiently. * Error reporting for models underconstrained due to missing initial values has been added. * It is now possible to use the DOM to determine the order of elements in the CellML model and map from the DOM element to the CellML element. * An ambiguity in the TeLICeMS serialiser around the nesting of the equals operator has been fixed.
  * You can now create a CellML model from an existing DOM representation.
  * The C++ interface for performing query interfaces has been improved.
* The generated binaries are smaller due to several changes, including not generating unnecessary Java bridges. * pcmpy has been completely removed from the source tree now that better Python bindings are provided by cgrspy. * More comprehensive tests have been written for (and passed by) the units validation part of the Validation Against CellML Specification Service.
  * The precedence rules in the MATLAB CeLEDS XML file have been corrected.
  * The error handling in TeLICeMS has been improved.
* A number of minor issues with the Doxygen generated documentation has been cleaned up so it is now easier to use. * A number of problems that made the PCM -> Java bindings used for callbacks like the IntegrationProgressObserver unusable have been fixed. * Threading issues in the Java bindings have been fixed, preventing crashes when multiple threads are used. * The CellML API no longer automatically retrieves DTDs over the network, giving API users complete control over how models are loaded.
  * More sample code on how to use the RDF container APIs has been written.
* The CellML API libraries now use versioning to avoid accidentally using the wrong version of the API; this allows multiple versions of the API to co-exist in the paths on the same system. * It is now possible to use a native libxml2 and SUNDIALS instead of the one shipped with the API by selecting an option at CMake configure time.
  * The order RDF triples are returned in is now more predictable.
  * Parallel builds now work correctly.
* An RDF triple object can retrieved by subject, predicate, and object, allowing it to be unasserted straightforwardly. * A bug in CeVAS that meant it didn't look at nested encapsulation relationship_refs has been fixed. * New API operations have been added for retrieving annotations that don't throw exceptions (which are inefficient) when there is no annotation found. * A bug in the Java -> PCM bridge enumeration support (important for public / private interface retrieval) has been corrected.

Best wishes,

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