Dear Colleagues,

Now that HARMONY has ended, and the developers have been fed, it is time to 
turn to the other side of our activity and talk about standard development. 
The plans for COMBINE forum 2013 are shaping up nicely, thanks to the local 
organisers - the bioinformatics unit of Institut Curie - and in particular 
Eric Bonnet.

The meeting will start on Monday 16th September, with a scientific 
conference. The theme will be the different modelling approaches used in 
biology. There will be invited talks, short talks selected from abstracts 
and poster sessions. So far, we have confirmation of lectures by:

Vincent Danos (CNRS, Paris-Diderot, Univ Edinburgh, rule-based modelling)
Marc Lavielle (INRIA, Paris-sud, pharmacometrics)
Benjamin Ribba (INRIA, multi-scale modelling of tumours)
Denis Thieffry (ENS, logical modelling)
Andrei Zinovyev (Curie, network analysis)

We are waiting for a couple more confirmations.

This meeting should give us an overview of what we cover or not, and fuel 
the dicussions of the subsequent days.  The traditional COMBINE forum will 
then take place from Tuesday 17 to Friday 20.

The first day will be open and free for all. It is anticipated that 
participation to the remaining workshop will be subjected to the usual 
minimal fees.

The registration system is not yet in place, but please book your week, and 
spread the word.

Best regards

Nicolas LE NOVERE, Babraham Institute, Babraham Campus Cambridge, CB22 3AT
Tel: +441223496433   Mob:+447833147074
Skype:n.lenovere  twitter:@lenovere

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