*Doctoral candidate position (PhD student) in Systems Biology/Database and
Information Systems*

Closing date: 1st of May, 2012

Junior research group „Simulation Experiment Management System“ (SEMS) at
the University of Rostock (Germany), Systems Biology and Bioinformatics
group of Prof. Olaf Wolkenhauer. 3yrs full position (TV-L E13), starting
from June 2012.

Area: Systems Biology, Database and Information Systems

The successful applicant for a PhD position will investigate* methods and
techniques for model version control*. Models are here regarded as XML
encodings of computational models of biological systems, annotated with RDF
meta-data. Today, version changes on these models are not sufficiently
stored, maintained, curated, classified and presented to the users of model
databases. This project will enable model version control to ensure
improved reusability of models in the computational biology field.
Knowing of XML and database management systems as well as having a strong
interest in systems biology are prerequisites for this position. Being an
open person, willing to work in a multi-disciplinary field and enjoying to
discuss ideas with collaborators.... our group will be the perfect

You will find the full job announcement at:

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