Dear All

I am guessing that this topic may have been discussed here, and also explained 
in the online FAQs. However, can you please advise me about the following.

Please could you let me know how I can go about preparing my recently published 
mouse electrophysiology model to the cellml model repository. I have figures, 
and working C code. I have also registered on the CellML website, and I can see 
that I can create workspaces etc. However, I am not completely sure about how 
to go about it.

many thanks

From: Tommy Yu []
Sent: 25 July 2011 17:21
To: Sanjay Kharche
Subject: Re:

On 26/07/11 01:59, Sanjay Kharche wrote:
> Hi
> Please could you let me know how I can go about preparing my recently 
> published mouse electrophysiology model to the cellml model repository. I 
> have figures, and working C code.

Hi Sanjay,

Glad to see your interest in submitting a model into the CellML model 
repository, but I am not the best person to get you through the entire process. 
 Please subscribe to the CellML Discussion List 
( and post this 
question over there.

Best Regards,

> many thanks
> Sanjay

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