*The CellML Editorial Board (consisting of Jonathan Cooper, Edmund Crampin,
Alan Garny, David “Andre” Nickerson and Poul Nielsen) had their inaugural
meeting on the 8th of December 2011. All members of the board were present.*

David Nickerson was unanimously elected chairman of the editorial board. At
this meeting we discussed the purpose of the CellML editorial board and all
agreed that while there is certainly a role in the guardianship of the
CellML specifications, we are also responsible for growing the CellML
community. To this end, we agreed that it is best to focus immediate
efforts on identifying any barriers preventing adoption of CellML. As such,
the editorial board is embarking on a review of the CellML API and the
CellML model repository in order to identify any existing issues and to
provide guidance for future development of these projects. Establishing the
process by which the CellML specifications will develop was deferred to the
next meeting of the editorial board.

The CellML Editorial Board aim to meet monthly with the next meeting
currently scheduled for the 12th of January 2012.

The CellML Editors.
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