[celt-saints] 23 April

2010-04-22 Thread emrys
Celtic and Old English Saints  23 April

* St. Ibar of Meath
* St. George the Great Martyr

St. Ibar of Meath (of Beg-Eri), Bishop
(Iberius, Ibhar)

5th century. Perhaps a missionary to Ireland before Patrick, but more
probably one of his disciples, Ibar preached in Leinster and Meath.
There are indications that he was ordained a bishop at Rome, then
preached with Saints Declan, Ailbeus, and Kieran. Usher (Antiq., c. 16),
however, tells us that Patrick consecrated him bishop. He also founded a
monastic school on the island of Beg-Eire (Beggery), where he trained
many including his nephew Prince Saint Abban, who succeeded Ibar as
abbot of Magarnoide in Kenselach.

His relics were kept with singular veneration in his monastery at
Beg-Eire, which attracted the attention of the English agents of the
Reformation. In an attempt to stamp out his cultus and the many legends
surrounding his wooden image in his little chapel, they tried to burn
the image. Each time it was restored to its proper place without damage
(Benedictines, Delaney, Husenbeth, Montague).

Another Life:

St. Ibar
A pre-Patrician Irish saint, who laboured in the present County Wexford
from 425 to 450, recognized the jurisdiction of St. Patrick, and was
confirmed in his episcopacy. Thus, though a missionary before the
arrival of the great national apostle, St. Ibar was a contemporary of
St. Patrick, and is regarded as the patron of Begerin, in Wexford
harbour. Although at first not disposed to yield to St. Patrick he
afterwards submitted and became his disciple.

Much obscurity attaches to his early training, but about the year 480 he
settled at Begerin, where he built an oratory and cell. In the "Life of
St. Abban" it is stated that St. Ibar's retreat was soon peopled with
numerous disciples from all parts of Ireland, and the "Litany of Aengus"
invokes the three thousand confessors who placed themselves under St.
Ibar's direction. His nephew, St. Abban, as a boy of twelve came to
Begerin in St. Ibar's old age and accompanied him to Rome. His name is
variously written Ibar, Iberius, and Ivor, and his death is chronicled
in the year 500 on 23 April, on which day his feast is observed.
Although Begerin was formerly an island in the north of Wexford harbour,
it has long since been one of the reclaimed Sloblands.

o http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07613b.htm

Troparion of St Ibar Tone 8
Thou didst prepare the way for Saint Patrick by thy fearless preaching
in Ireland, O holy Father Ibar./ Pray for the present dwellers in Meath
and Leinster and for all in these Islands,/ that the true Faith may
spread in our own days, to the glory of God.

St. George the Great Martyr, Patron of England
[Celebrated this year by the Orthodox on 6th May]

Died c. 303. Many legends have gathered around the name of Saint George,
and there are differing accounts of his origin.
There is evidence that George was, indeed, a martyr who suffered at
Diospolis (Lydda, Ludd) in Palestine before the time of Constantine,
probably under Diocletian. He was born of Christian parents in
Cappadocia, where his father was a martyr. Later he himself took refuge
in Palestine, where he became a Roman soldier and displayed courage. He
is said to have been raised to the rank of military tribune of the
imperial guards. On his mother's death he inherited a fortune and
attached himself to the court of the Emperor Diocletian in the hope of
finding advancement.

Once when the emperor was present, heathen priests were consulting the
entrails of animals to foretell the future. Those Christians among the
guards made the Sign of the Cross on their foreheads. The emperor was
extremely angry and ordered them flogged and dismissed. He then sent out
an edict ordering the Christian clergy to make sacrifice to the pagan

On the outbreak of persecution, George declared himself a Christian and
distributed his money to the poor. When the decree which preceded the
persecution was published against the churches in Nicomedia, "a certain
man," Eusebius tells us in his History, "of no mean origin, but highly
esteemed for his temporal dignities, stimulated by a divine zeal, and
excited by an ardent faith, took it as it was openly placed and posted
up for public inspection, and tore it to shreds as a most profane and
wicked act." This man who showed such courage is believed to have been
Saint George, and such a bold and defiant action well suits what we know
of his character.

As a result, he was subjected to nameless tortures over a period of
seven years. He was tied to a revolving wheel of blades and swords,
thrown into a pit of quicklime, made to run in red-hot shoes, scourged
with thongs of hide, beaten with sledge-hammers, and cast over a
precipice; his limbs were broken and exposed to flame, and he suffere

[celt-saints] 23 April

2009-04-23 Thread emrys
Celtic and Old English Saints  23 April

* St. Ibar of Meath
* St. George the Great Martyr

St. Ibar of Meath (of Beg-Eri), Bishop
(Iberius, Ibhar)

5th century. Perhaps a missionary to Ireland before Patrick, but more
probably one of his disciples, Ibar preached in Leinster and Meath.
There are indications that he was ordained a bishop at Rome, then
preached with Saints Declan, Ailbeus, and Kieran. Usher (Antiq., c. 16),
however, tells us that Patrick consecrated him bishop. He also founded a
monastic school on the island of Beg-Eire (Beggery), where he trained
many including his nephew Prince Saint Abban, who succeeded Ibar as
abbot of Magarnoide in Kenselach.

His relics were kept with singular veneration in his monastery at
Beg-Eire, which attracted the attention of the English agents of the
Reformation. In an attempt to stamp out his cultus and the many legends
surrounding his wooden image in his little chapel, they tried to burn
the image. Each time it was restored to its proper place without damage
(Benedictines, Delaney, Husenbeth, Montague).

Another Life:

St. Ibar
A pre-Patrician Irish saint, who laboured in the present County Wexford
from 425 to 450, recognized the jurisdiction of St. Patrick, and was
confirmed in his episcopacy. Thus, though a missionary before the
arrival of the great national apostle, St. Ibar was a contemporary of
St. Patrick, and is regarded as the patron of Begerin, in Wexford
harbour. Although at first not disposed to yield to St. Patrick he
afterwards submitted and became his disciple.

Much obscurity attaches to his early training, but about the year 480 he
settled at Begerin, where he built an oratory and cell. In the "Life of
St. Abban" it is stated that St. Ibar's retreat was soon peopled with
numerous disciples from all parts of Ireland, and the "Litany of Aengus"
invokes the three thousand confessors who placed themselves under St.
Ibar's direction. His nephew, St. Abban, as a boy of twelve came to
Begerin in St. Ibar's old age and accompanied him to Rome. His name is
variously written Ibar, Iberius, and Ivor, and his death is chronicled
in the year 500 on 23 April, on which day his feast is observed.
Although Begerin was formerly an island in the north of Wexford harbour,
it has long since been one of the reclaimed Sloblands.

o http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07613b.htm

Troparion of St Ibar Tone 8
Thou didst prepare the way for Saint Patrick by thy fearless preaching
in Ireland, O holy Father Ibar./ Pray for the present dwellers in Meath
and Leinster and for all in these Islands,/ that the true Faith may
spread in our own days, to the glory of God.

St. George the Great Martyr, Patron of England
[Celebrated this year by the Orthodox on 6th May]

Died c. 303. Many legends have gathered around the name of Saint George,
and there are differing accounts of his origin.
There is evidence that George was, indeed, a martyr who suffered at
Diospolis (Lydda, Ludd) in Palestine before the time of Constantine,
probably under Diocletian. He was born of Christian parents in
Cappadocia, where his father was a martyr. Later he himself took refuge
in Palestine, where he became a Roman soldier and displayed courage. He
is said to have been raised to the rank of military tribune of the
imperial guards. On his mother's death he inherited a fortune and
attached himself to the court of the Emperor Diocletian in the hope of
finding advancement.

Once when the emperor was present, heathen priests were consulting the
entrails of animals to foretell the future. Those Christians among the
guards made the Sign of the Cross on their foreheads. The emperor was
extremely angry and ordered them flogged and dismissed. He then sent out
an edict ordering the Christian clergy to make sacrifice to the pagan

On the outbreak of persecution, George declared himself a Christian and
distributed his money to the poor. When the decree which preceded the
persecution was published against the churches in Nicomedia, "a certain
man," Eusebius tells us in his History, "of no mean origin, but highly
esteemed for his temporal dignities, stimulated by a divine zeal, and
excited by an ardent faith, took it as it was openly placed and posted
up for public inspection, and tore it to shreds as a most profane and
wicked act." This man who showed such courage is believed to have been
Saint George, and such a bold and defiant action well suits what we know
of his character.

As a result, he was subjected to nameless tortures over a period of
seven years. He was tied to a revolving wheel of blades and swords,
thrown into a pit of quicklime, made to run in red-hot shoes, scourged
with thongs of hide, beaten with sledge-hammers, and cast over a
precipice; his limbs were broken and exposed to flame, and he suffere

[celt-saints] 23 April

2008-04-21 Thread emrys
Celtic and Old English Saints  23 April

* St. Ibar of Meath
* St. George the Great Martyr

St. Ibar of Meath (of Beg-Eri), Bishop
(Iberius, Ibhar)

5th century. Perhaps a missionary to Ireland before Patrick, but more
probably one of his disciples, Ibar preached in Leinster and Meath.
There are indications that he was ordained a bishop at Rome, then
preached with Saints Declan, Ailbeus, and Kieran. Usher (Antiq., c. 16),
however, tells us that Patrick consecrated him bishop. He also founded a
monastic school on the island of Beg-Eire (Beggery), where he trained
many including his nephew Prince Saint Abban, who succeeded Ibar as
abbot of Magarnoide in Kenselach.

His relics were kept with singular veneration in his monastery at
Beg-Eire, which attracted the attention of the English agents of the
Reformation. In an attempt to stamp out his cultus and the many legends
surrounding his wooden image in his little chapel, they tried to burn
the image. Each time it was restored to its proper place without damage
(Benedictines, Delaney, Husenbeth, Montague).

Another Life:

St. Ibar
A pre-Patrician Irish saint, who laboured in the present County Wexford
from 425 to 450, recognized the jurisdiction of St. Patrick, and was
confirmed in his episcopacy. Thus, though a missionary before the
arrival of the great national apostle, St. Ibar was a contemporary of
St. Patrick, and is regarded as the patron of Begerin, in Wexford
harbour. Although at first not disposed to yield to St. Patrick he
afterwards submitted and became his disciple.

Much obscurity attaches to his early training, but about the year 480 he
settled at Begerin, where he built an oratory and cell. In the "Life of
St. Abban" it is stated that St. Ibar's retreat was soon peopled with
numerous disciples from all parts of Ireland, and the "Litany of Aengus"
invokes the three thousand confessors who placed themselves under St.
Ibar's direction. His nephew, St. Abban, as a boy of twelve came to
Begerin in St. Ibar's old age and accompanied him to Rome. His name is
variously written Ibar, Iberius, and Ivor, and his death is chronicled
in the year 500 on 23 April, on which day his feast is observed.
Although Begerin was formerly an island in the north of Wexford harbour,
it has long since been one of the reclaimed Sloblands.

o http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07613b.htm

Troparion of St Ibar Tone 8
Thou didst prepare the way for Saint Patrick by thy fearless preaching
in Ireland, O holy Father Ibar./ Pray for the present dwellers in Meath
and Leinster and for all in these Islands,/ that the true Faith may
spread in our own days, to the glory of God.

St. George the Great Martyr, Patron of England
[Celebrated this year by the Orthodox on 6th May]

Died c. 303. Many legends have gathered around the name of Saint George,
and there are differing accounts of his origin.
There is evidence that George was, indeed, a martyr who suffered at
Diospolis (Lydda, Ludd) in Palestine before the time of Constantine,
probably under Diocletian. He was born of Christian parents in
Cappadocia, where his father was a martyr. Later he himself took refuge
in Palestine, where he became a Roman soldier and displayed courage. He
is said to have been raised to the rank of military tribune of the
imperial guards. On his mother's death he inherited a fortune and
attached himself to the court of the Emperor Diocletian in the hope of
finding advancement.

Once when the emperor was present, heathen priests were consulting the
entrails of animals to foretell the future. Those Christians among the
guards made the Sign of the Cross on their foreheads. The emperor was
extremely angry and ordered them flogged and dismissed. He then sent out
an edict ordering the Christian clergy to make sacrifice to the pagan

On the outbreak of persecution, George declared himself a Christian and
distributed his money to the poor. When the decree which preceded the
persecution was published against the churches in Nicomedia, "a certain
man," Eusebius tells us in his History, "of no mean origin, but highly
esteemed for his temporal dignities, stimulated by a divine zeal, and
excited by an ardent faith, took it as it was openly placed and posted
up for public inspection, and tore it to shreds as a most profane and
wicked act." This man who showed such courage is believed to have been
Saint George, and such a bold and defiant action well suits what we know
of his character.

As a result, he was subjected to nameless tortures over a period of
seven years. He was tied to a revolving wheel of blades and swords,
thrown into a pit of quicklime, made to run in red-hot shoes, scourged
with thongs of hide, beaten with sledge-hammers, and cast over a
precipice; his limbs were broken and exposed to flame, and he suffere