[celt-saints] 5 August

2010-08-05 Thread emrys
Celtic and Old English Saints  5 August

* St. Oswald of Northumbria
* St. Abel of Rheims
* St. Gormgal of Ardoilen

St. Oswald, Missionary and Martyred King of Northumbria
Born, probably, 605; died 5 Aug., 642.
The second of seven brothers, sons of Ethelfrid, who was grandson of
Ida, founder of the Kingdom of Northumbria in 547. Oswald's mother was
Acha, daughter of Ella or Alla, who, after Ida's death, had seized Deira
and thus separated it from the Northern Bernicia. The years of Oswald's
youth were spent at home, as long as his father reigned, but when, in
617, Ethelfrid was slain in battle by Redwald, King of the East Angles,
Oswald with his brothers fled for protection from Edwin, their uncle,
Acha's brother, to the land of the Scots and were cared for at Columba's
Monastery at Hii, or Iona. There they remained until Edwin's death in
the battle of Heathfield (633). Eanfrid, his elder brother, then
returned to accept the Kingdom of Deira, whilst Osric, cousin of Edwin,
received Bernicia. The kingdom was thus again divided and both parts
relapsed into paganism. In the following year Osric was slain in battle,
and Eanfrid treacherously murdered by the British king, Cadwalla.

Oswald thereupon came down from the North, and in 635 a small but
resolute band gathered round him near the Roman Wall at a spot seven
miles north of Hexham, afterwards known as Hevenfelt, or Heaven's Field.
Here, encouraged by a vision and promise of victory from St. Columba,
who shrouded with his mantle all his camp, Oswald set up a cross of wood
as his standard -- the first Christian symbol ever raised in Bernicia --
and gave battle to the Britons, who were led, probably, by Cadwalla. The
Britons were completely routed, and thenceforth could only act on the

Oswald's victory reunited the Northumbrian Kingdom not only because he
delivered it from the humiliating yoke of the Mercians and Britons, but
also because on his father's side he was a descendant of Ida of Bernicia
and on his mother's of the royal house of Ella of Deira. Thus united,
Northumbria could not fail to become the chief power in a confederation
against Penda of Mercia and the Britons of Wales.

Oswald was thoroughly grounded in the principles of the Christian
religion, and, though but twelve nobles with whom he returned from exile
were Christians, far from abandoning his faith, his first care was to
spread it among the Bernicians, thus confirming the political union
effected by Edwin with a religious union unknown before. Edwin, it is
true, had himself received the Faith in 627, through the influence of
his wife Ethelburga, sister of the Kentish King, who had brought St.
Paulinus to the North, but his example was followed only by the people
of Deira.

Oswald, brought up in Columba's monastery at Iona, naturally looked to
the North for missionaries. The first preacher who set forth soon
returned, having found the Northumbrian people too barbarous and
stubborn. Then Aidan was sent, "a man of singular meekness, piety and
moderation", who established his episcopal see at Lindisfarne, in 635.
Oswald's zealous co-operation with the monk-bishop soon filled the land
with churches and monasteries, and the church at York, begun by Edwin,
was completed. Moreover, his wonderful humility in the midst of success,
his charity, and his piety soon had their effect in turning his subjects
from Woden to Christ. We are told that the king in his Court acted as
the interpreter of the Irish missionaries who knew not the language of
his thanes.

It was Oswald's work to add to the warlike glory of his father Ethelfrid
and the wise administration of his uncle Edwin the moral power of
Christianity, and to build up a great kingdom. Edwin had gathered the
whole English race into one political body and was overlord of every
English kingdom save that of Kent.

The Venerable Bede (III, 6) says that Oswald had a greater dominion than
any of his ancestors, and that "he brought under his sway all the
nations and provinces of Britain, which are divided into four languages,
namely the Britons, the Picts, the Scots, and the English". He had great
power in the North-West, as far south as Chester and Lancashire, and was
probably owned as overlord by the Welsh Kingdom of Strath Clyde, as well
as by the Picts and Scots of Dalriada. In the East he was supreme in
Lindsey, and the words of Bede seem to imply that he was overlord of
Mercia, which was still ruled by Penda; but this could have been
scarcely more than nominal. The West Saxons in the South, influenced by
the fear of Penda, readily acknowledged Oswald, their allegiance being
strengthened, in 635, by the conversion of King Cynegils, of Wessex, at
whose baptism Oswald stood sponsor, and whose daughter he married. Both
sovereigns then established Bishop Birinus at Dorchester.

This vast supr

[celt-saints] 5 August

2009-08-04 Thread emrys
Celtic and Old English Saints  5 August

* St. Oswald of Northumbria
* St. Abel of Rheims
* St. Gormgal of Ardoilen

St. Oswald, Missionary and Martyred King of Northumbria
Born, probably, 605; died 5 Aug., 642.
The second of seven brothers, sons of Ethelfrid, who was grandson of
Ida, founder of the Kingdom of Northumbria in 547. Oswald's mother was
Acha, daughter of Ella or Alla, who, after Ida's death, had seized Deira
and thus separated it from the Northern Bernicia. The years of Oswald's
youth were spent at home, as long as his father reigned, but when, in
617, Ethelfrid was slain in battle by Redwald, King of the East Angles,
Oswald with his brothers fled for protection from Edwin, their uncle,
Acha's brother, to the land of the Scots and were cared for at Columba's
Monastery at Hii, or Iona. There they remained until Edwin's death in
the battle of Heathfield (633). Eanfrid, his elder brother, then
returned to accept the Kingdom of Deira, whilst Osric, cousin of Edwin,
received Bernicia. The kingdom was thus again divided and both parts
relapsed into paganism. In the following year Osric was slain in battle,
and Eanfrid treacherously murdered by the British king, Cadwalla.

Oswald thereupon came down from the North, and in 635 a small but
resolute band gathered round him near the Roman Wall at a spot seven
miles north of Hexham, afterwards known as Hevenfelt, or Heaven's Field.
Here, encouraged by a vision and promise of victory from St. Columba,
who shrouded with his mantle all his camp, Oswald set up a cross of wood
as his standard -- the first Christian symbol ever raised in Bernicia --
and gave battle to the Britons, who were led, probably, by Cadwalla. The
Britons were completely routed, and thenceforth could only act on the

Oswald's victory reunited the Northumbrian Kingdom not only because he
delivered it from the humiliating yoke of the Mercians and Britons, but
also because on his father's side he was a descendant of Ida of Bernicia
and on his mother's of the royal house of Ella of Deira. Thus united,
Northumbria could not fail to become the chief power in a confederation
against Penda of Mercia and the Britons of Wales.

Oswald was thoroughly grounded in the principles of the Christian
religion, and, though but twelve nobles with whom he returned from exile
were Christians, far from abandoning his faith, his first care was to
spread it among the Bernicians, thus confirming the political union
effected by Edwin with a religious union unknown before. Edwin, it is
true, had himself received the Faith in 627, through the influence of
his wife Ethelburga, sister of the Kentish King, who had brought St.
Paulinus to the North, but his example was followed only by the people
of Deira.

Oswald, brought up in Columba's monastery at Iona, naturally looked to
the North for missionaries. The first preacher who set forth soon
returned, having found the Northumbrian people too barbarous and
stubborn. Then Aidan was sent, "a man of singular meekness, piety and
moderation", who established his episcopal see at Lindisfarne, in 635.
Oswald's zealous co-operation with the monk-bishop soon filled the land
with churches and monasteries, and the church at York, begun by Edwin,
was completed. Moreover, his wonderful humility in the midst of success,
his charity, and his piety soon had their effect in turning his subjects
from Woden to Christ. We are told that the king in his Court acted as
the interpreter of the Irish missionaries who knew not the language of
his thanes.

It was Oswald's work to add to the warlike glory of his father Ethelfrid
and the wise administration of his uncle Edwin the moral power of
Christianity, and to build up a great kingdom. Edwin had gathered the
whole English race into one political body and was overlord of every
English kingdom save that of Kent.

The Venerable Bede (III, 6) says that Oswald had a greater dominion than
any of his ancestors, and that "he brought under his sway all the
nations and provinces of Britain, which are divided into four languages,
namely the Britons, the Picts, the Scots, and the English". He had great
power in the North-West, as far south as Chester and Lancashire, and was
probably owned as overlord by the Welsh Kingdom of Strath Clyde, as well
as by the Picts and Scots of Dalriada. In the East he was supreme in
Lindsey, and the words of Bede seem to imply that he was overlord of
Mercia, which was still ruled by Penda; but this could have been
scarcely more than nominal. The West Saxons in the South, influenced by
the fear of Penda, readily acknowledged Oswald, their allegiance being
strengthened, in 635, by the conversion of King Cynegils, of Wessex, at
whose baptism Oswald stood sponsor, and whose daughter he married. Both
sovereigns then established Bishop Birinus at Dorchester.

This vast supr

[celt-saints] 5 August

2008-08-04 Thread emrys
Celtic and Old English Saints  5 August

* St. Oswald of Northumbria
* St. Abel of Rheims
* St. Gormgal of Ardoilen

St. Oswald, Missionary and Martyred King of Northumbria
Born, probably, 605; died 5 Aug., 642.
The second of seven brothers, sons of Ethelfrid, who was grandson of
Ida, founder of the Kingdom of Northumbria in 547. Oswald's mother was
Acha, daughter of Ella or Alla, who, after Ida's death, had seized Deira
and thus separated it from the Northern Bernicia. The years of Oswald's
youth were spent at home, as long as his father reigned, but when, in
617, Ethelfrid was slain in battle by Redwald, King of the East Angles,
Oswald with his brothers fled for protection from Edwin, their uncle,
Acha's brother, to the land of the Scots and were cared for at Columba's
Monastery at Hii, or Iona. There they remained until Edwin's death in
the battle of Heathfield (633). Eanfrid, his elder brother, then
returned to accept the Kingdom of Deira, whilst Osric, cousin of Edwin,
received Bernicia. The kingdom was thus again divided and both parts
relapsed into paganism. In the following year Osric was slain in battle,
and Eanfrid treacherously murdered by the British king, Cadwalla.

Oswald thereupon came down from the North, and in 635 a small but
resolute band gathered round him near the Roman Wall at a spot seven
miles north of Hexham, afterwards known as Hevenfelt, or Heaven's Field.
Here, encouraged by a vision and promise of victory from St. Columba,
who shrouded with his mantle all his camp, Oswald set up a cross of wood
as his standard -- the first Christian symbol ever raised in Bernicia --
and gave battle to the Britons, who were led, probably, by Cadwalla. The
Britons were completely routed, and thenceforth could only act on the

Oswald's victory reunited the Northumbrian Kingdom not only because he
delivered it from the humiliating yoke of the Mercians and Britons, but
also because on his father's side he was a descendant of Ida of Bernicia
and on his mother's of the royal house of Ella of Deira. Thus united,
Northumbria could not fail to become the chief power in a confederation
against Penda of Mercia and the Britons of Wales.

Oswald was thoroughly grounded in the principles of the Christian
religion, and, though but twelve nobles with whom he returned from exile
were Christians, far from abandoning his faith, his first care was to
spread it among the Bernicians, thus confirming the political union
effected by Edwin with a religious union unknown before. Edwin, it is
true, had himself received the Faith in 627, through the influence of
his wife Ethelburga, sister of the Kentish King, who had brought St.
Paulinus to the North, but his example was followed only by the people
of Deira.

Oswald, brought up in Columba's monastery at Iona, naturally looked to
the North for missionaries. The first preacher who set forth soon
returned, having found the Northumbrian people too barbarous and
stubborn. Then Aidan was sent, "a man of singular meekness, piety and
moderation", who established his episcopal see at Lindisfarne, in 635.
Oswald's zealous co-operation with the monk-bishop soon filled the land
with churches and monasteries, and the church at York, begun by Edwin,
was completed. Moreover, his wonderful humility in the midst of success,
his charity, and his piety soon had their effect in turning his subjects
from Woden to Christ. We are told that the king in his Court acted as
the interpreter of the Irish missionaries who knew not the language of
his thanes.

It was Oswald's work to add to the warlike glory of his father Ethelfrid
and the wise administration of his uncle Edwin the moral power of
Christianity, and to build up a great kingdom. Edwin had gathered the
whole English race into one political body and was overlord of every
English kingdom save that of Kent.

The Venerable Bede (III, 6) says that Oswald had a greater dominion than
any of his ancestors, and that "he brought under his sway all the
nations and provinces of Britain, which are divided into four languages,
namely the Britons, the Picts, the Scots, and the English". He had great
power in the North-West, as far south as Chester and Lancashire, and was
probably owned as overlord by the Welsh Kingdom of Strath Clyde, as well
as by the Picts and Scots of Dalriada. In the East he was supreme in
Lindsey, and the words of Bede seem to imply that he was overlord of
Mercia, which was still ruled by Penda; but this could have been
scarcely more than nominal. The West Saxons in the South, influenced by
the fear of Penda, readily acknowledged Oswald, their allegiance being
strengthened, in 635, by the conversion of King Cynegils, of Wessex, at
whose baptism Oswald stood sponsor, and whose daughter he married. Both
sovereigns then established Bishop Birinus at Dorchester.

This vast supr