isdtor writes:
> Hi all,
> I have a laptop in UEFI mode running CentOS 8.2. All works fine but when I 
> enable Secure Boot, login via gdm is no longer possible. Console login is ok.
> I found some related discussions over on Ubuntu forums, suggesting that this 
> could be related to 3rd-party kernel modules, such as nvidia. This laptop has 
> only Intel builtin graphics, and every single module installed is part of the 
> CentOS distribution.
> This is from a file /tmp/xses-.XXXXXX (random 6-char string)
> xrdb: Can't open display ''
> xmodmap: unable to open display ''
> Failed to import environment: Process org.freedesktop.systemd1 exited with 
> status 1
> /usr/bin/xmbind: Can't open display
> Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
> Something is different in the way Xorg is started. In this situation, the 
> first part of the Xorg log file (under ~/.local) is a dump of X command line 
> options.
> use: X [:<display>] [options]
> -a # ...
> -ac ...
> ...

I haven't been able to make any progress on this setup, except that after 
disabling Secure Boot again, it still keeps happening, probably 90% of the 
time. It could be some kind of race, but even waiting for a while after gdm is 
up and the text consoles have a prompt did not help. Rebooting and retrying 
until it works is the only option right now.

What does seem to work, however, is switching back to Wayland, from Xorg. I had 
changed to Xorg in gdm custom.conf to look at some remote connectivity problems 
(can't get x2go to work).

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