Hello everyone,
First time contributor ... long time listener!

Your /FirstnameLastname/ username: ChrisCallegari

I am working with Open Source project called KubeVirt.  Part of our mission
is to ensure that the project can easily be deployed ... this includes host
os and Kubernetes.  We dev and test on Fedora, CentOS, and RHEL and several
Debian derivatives for OS's and minikube for Kubernetes.

We've discovered a fresh install of Fedora 31 and CentOS 8 cannot run
`minikube start --driver=podman`.  Exploring the reasons for this led me to
the discovery that Section HowTos/Virtualization is missing a section on
how to use the tools from the Open Containerization Initiative (cni, cri-o,
podman, etc).  The result is our users are having to search through the
blogosphere for inconsistent procedures on deploying os, kubernetes just to
get starting exploring the KubeVirt project.

I would love to participate in getting a section added to the wiki to
enable a smoother user experience.  I have a lot of exp writing this sort
of doc since my full time employment is with Red Hat and my prior team
wrote reference architectures for OpenShift 3.x using various cloud

/Chris Callegari
CentOS-docs mailing list

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