Just installed 7.2, and I'm seeing this - is this a bug in the policy?

SELinux is preventing systemd-readahe from add_name access on the
directory .readahead.new.

*****  Plugin catchall_labels (83.8 confidence) suggests  

If you want to allow systemd-readahe to have add_name access on the
.readahead.new directory
Then you need to change the label on .readahead.new
# semanage fcontext -a -t FILE_TYPE '.readahead.new'
where FILE_TYPE is one of the following: device_t, init_var_run_t,
readahead_var_lib_t, readahead_var_run_t, root_t, var_run_t.
Then execute:
restorecon -v '.readahead.new'

*****  Plugin catchall (17.1 confidence) suggests  

If you believe that systemd-readahe should be allowed add_name access on
the .readahead.new directory by default.
Then you should report this as a bug.
You can generate a local policy module to allow this access.
allow this access for now by executing:
# grep systemd-readahe /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow -M mypol
# semodule -i mypol.pp

Additional Information:
Source Context                system_u:system_r:readahead_t:s0
Target Context                system_u:object_r:mnt_t:s0
Target Objects                .readahead.new [ dir ]
Source                        systemd-readahe
Source Path                   systemd-readahe
Port                          <Unknown>
Host                          <hostname>
Source RPM Packages
Target RPM Packages
Policy RPM                    selinux-policy-3.13.1-60.el7_2.3.noarch
Selinux Enabled               True
Policy Type                   targeted
Enforcing Mode                Permissive
Host Name                     <hostname>
Platform                      Linux <hostname> 3.10.0-327.10.1.el7.x86_64
                              #1 SMP Tue Feb 16 17:03:50 UTC 2016 x86_64
Alert Count                   4
First Seen                    2016-02-29 10:06:27 EST
Last Seen                     2016-02-29 16:50:22 EST
Local ID                      0ba32e6a-e502-45be-a2dc-cda4c380a2bb

Raw Audit Messages
type=AVC msg=audit(1456782622.230:435): avc:  denied  { add_name } for 
pid=410 comm="systemd-readahe" name=".readahead.new"
tcontext=system_u:object_r:mnt_t:s0 tclass=dir

Hash: systemd-readahe,readahead_t,mnt_t,dir,add_name


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