> I have a number of vhosts configured with SuexecUserGroup
> to run the scripts with limited privileges and the dept. web-site on one
> of them. The problem is the webmaster can't read online context help
> which comes with the cms the site is using. Most help files (>2K) have
> *.php.html extension. *.php and *.html scripts both work as I suspect
> they should, but when it comes to *.php.html suexec starts complaining
> (most regular files are 0660 and the webmaster is a member of the
> group):
> directory is writable by others
> file is writable by others 
> file has no execute permission
> and finally after fixing all the above
> /var/log/httpd/suexec.log:
> uid: (10003/web6_www) gid: (10006/10006) cmd: *.php.html
> /var/www/web6/log/error.log:
> Premature end of script headers: *.php.html 

After all it turned out to be quite an easy fix. Add

AddHandler default-handler .html

to vhost config and read "Files with Multiple Extensions"
section in apache manual:

Care should be taken when a file with multiple extensions gets
associated with both a MIME-type and a handler...


Gundrill user - a specialist doomed to step on a garden rake.
Gundrill advanced user - a specialist who regularly steps on a garden
Gundrill general user - a specialist having more than two bumps on his
forehead due to stepping on a rake.
Gundrill smart user - a specialist who manages to step on a rake even if
it is hidden in a tool shed and properly locked.

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