-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jay Leafey
Sent: Thursday, June 05, 2008 4:35 PM
To: CentOS mailing list
Subject: [SPAM]Re: [CentOS] using windows ad accounts for centos 5

Isaac Gonzalez wrote:
> Hi I read and used the article
> http://blog.wazollc.com/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=2 to authenticate my 
> ad accounts when logging on to cent 5…however, once I edit the 
> nsswitch.conf file, I can’t even log on as root or any local users 
> anymore. Kinit seems to initialize fine doing a kinit 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> , however doing a 
> getent passwd adusername ….it just sits there in the shell and does 
> nothing. I actually had to put all files back to where they were 
> before the change to even be able to login locally or use sudo.
> I followed the steps line by line on this article but get stuck 
> everytime….anyone has an idea or a better documented way of achieving 
> what I am trying to do , please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Isaac

>I'm using AD-via-Kerberos to authenticate users on several CentOS 5.1 systems. 
> Setting it up was as easy as a 
>single command line:

>authconfig \
         >--usemd5 --useshadow --enablelocauthorize \
         >--enablekrb5 \
         >--krb5realm={AD Domain Name} \
         >--enablekrb5kdcdns --enablekrb5realmdns --update

>This makes the necessary changes to /etc/krb5.conf, /etc/ and 
>/etc/nsswitch.conf.  I am NOT using this for user 
>information, just password authentication, so I add user accounts for each 
>authorized user.

>You can also consider using the --disablesysnetauth flag, which disables 
>authenticating "system" accounts via 
>the network services and forces them to use local authorization.  This should 
>prevent entries in the AD for 
>"root" and other system accounts from being used.

>Hope that helps!
>Jay Leafey - Memphis, TN

Ok no more errors with the pam file...guess my repos was out of sync.
Jay, did you have to put in the hostname of the dc that actually performs the 
Kerberos auth? I am wondering if I need to specify this in the command or the 
krb5.conf file ...It is not working for me. I am using MYDOMAINNAME.COM as the 
AD domain name with and without brackets around it. Time is synced to dc.


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