Make use of a few simple helper routines to parse the arguments
rather than sscanf().  This will treat both missing and too-long
arguments as invalid input (rather than silently truncating the
input in the too-long case).  In time this can also be used by
rbd_add() to use the passed-in buffer in place, rather than copying
its contents into new buffers.

It appears to me that the sscanf() previously used would not
correctly handle a supplied snapshot--the two final "%s" conversion
specifications were not separated by a space, and I'm not sure
how sscanf() handles that situation.  It may not be well-defined.
So that may be a bug this change fixes (but I didn't verify that).

The sizes of the mon_addrs and options buffers are now passed to
rbd_add_parse_args(), so they can be supplied to copy_token().

Signed-off-by: Alex Elder <>
drivers/block/rbd.c | 99 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/block/rbd.c b/drivers/block/rbd.c
index 3731a15..d2157a7 100644
--- a/drivers/block/rbd.c
+++ b/drivers/block/rbd.c
@@ -2220,6 +2220,53 @@ static void rbd_id_put(struct rbd_device *rbd_dev)

+ * Skips over white space at *buf, and updates *buf to point to the
+ * first found non-space character (if any). Returns the length of
+ * the token (string of non-white space characters) found.
+ */
+static inline size_t next_token(const char **buf)
+        /*
+        * These are the characters that produce nonzero for
+        * isspace() in the "C" and "POSIX" locales.
+        */
+        const char *spaces = " \f\n\r\t\v";
+        *buf += strspn(*buf, spaces);  /* Find start of token */
+       return strcspn(*buf, spaces);   /* Return token length */
+ * Finds the next token in *buf, and if the provided token buffer is
+ * big enough, copies the found token into it.  The result, if
+ * copied, is guaranteed to be terminated with '\0'.
+ *
+ * Returns the length of the token found (not including the '\0').
+ * Return value will be 0 if no token is found, and it will be >=
+ * token_size if the token would not fit.
+ *
+ * The *buf pointer will be updated point beyond the end of the
+ * found token.  Note that this occurs even if the token buffer is
+ * too small to hold it.
+ */
+static inline size_t copy_token(const char **buf,
+                               char *token,
+                               size_t token_size)
+        size_t len;
+       len = next_token(buf);
+       if (len < token_size) {
+               memcpy(token, *buf, len);
+               *(token + len) = '\0';
+       }
+       *buf += len;
+        return len;
  * This fills in the pool_name, obj, obj_len, snap_name, obj_len,
  * rbd_dev, rbd_md_name, and name fields of the given rbd_dev, based
  * on the list of monitor addresses and other options provided via
@@ -2228,25 +2275,48 @@ static void rbd_id_put(struct rbd_device *rbd_dev)
 static int rbd_add_parse_args(struct rbd_device *rbd_dev,
                              const char *buf,
                              char *mon_addrs,
-                             char *options)
-       if (sscanf(buf, "%" __stringify(RBD_MAX_OPT_LEN) "s "
-                  "%" __stringify(RBD_MAX_OPT_LEN) "s "
-                  "%" __stringify(RBD_MAX_POOL_NAME_LEN) "s "
-                  "%" __stringify(RBD_MAX_OBJ_NAME_LEN) "s"
-                  "%" __stringify(RBD_MAX_SNAP_NAME_LEN) "s",
-                  mon_addrs, options, rbd_dev->pool_name,
-                  rbd_dev->obj, rbd_dev->snap_name) < 4)
+                             size_t mon_addrs_size,
+                             char *options,
+                             size_t options_size)
+       size_t  len;
+       /* The first four tokens are required */
+       len = copy_token(&buf, mon_addrs, mon_addrs_size);
+       if (!len || len >= mon_addrs_size)
                return -EINVAL;

-       if (rbd_dev->snap_name[0] == 0)
-               memcpy(rbd_dev->snap_name, RBD_SNAP_HEAD_NAME,
-                       sizeof RBD_SNAP_HEAD_NAME);
+       len = copy_token(&buf, options, options_size);
+       if (!len || len >= options_size)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       len = copy_token(&buf, rbd_dev->pool_name, sizeof rbd_dev->pool_name);
+       if (!len || len >= sizeof rbd_dev->pool_name)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       len = copy_token(&buf, rbd_dev->obj, sizeof rbd_dev->obj);
+       if (!len || len >= sizeof rbd_dev->obj)
+               return -EINVAL;
+       /* We have the object length in hand, save it. */
+       rbd_dev->obj_len = len;

-       rbd_dev->obj_len = strlen(rbd_dev->obj);
        snprintf(rbd_dev->obj_md_name, sizeof(rbd_dev->obj_md_name), "%s%s",
                 rbd_dev->obj, RBD_SUFFIX);

+       /*
+        * The snapshot name is optional, but it's an error if it's
+        * too long.  If no snapshot is supplied, fill in the default.
+        */
+       len = copy_token(&buf, rbd_dev->snap_name, sizeof rbd_dev->snap_name);
+       if (!len)
+               memcpy(rbd_dev->snap_name, RBD_SNAP_HEAD_NAME,
+                       sizeof RBD_SNAP_HEAD_NAME);
+       else if (len >= sizeof rbd_dev->snap_name)
+               return -EINVAL;
        return 0;

@@ -2285,7 +2355,8 @@ static ssize_t rbd_add(struct bus_type *bus,
        snprintf(rbd_dev->name, DEV_NAME_LEN, RBD_DRV_NAME "%d", rbd_dev->id);

        /* parse add command */
-       rc = rbd_add_parse_args(rbd_dev, buf, mon_addrs, options);
+       rc = rbd_add_parse_args(rbd_dev, buf, mon_addrs, count,
+                               options, count);
        if (rc)
                goto err_put_id;


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