Hello ceph-users,

I am new to Ceph and would like to bring up a 5-node cluster for my PoC. I
am doing an installation from below link and ran into a problem. I am not
so sure how to deal with it. Can someone please shed some light?


[root@cleverloadgen16 ceph]# ceph auth add client.radosgw.gateway
unable to find any monitors in conf. please specify monitors via -m
monaddr or -c ceph.conf
Error connecting to cluster: ObjectNotFound

[root@cleverloadgen16 ceph]# cat keyring.radosgw.gateway
        key = AQCC4yBSyMWQGBAADS7j7DnIZeGAZiaJFaM8Xw==
        caps mon = "allow rw"
        caps osd = "allow rwx"
[root@cleverloadgen16 ceph]#


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