> Hi, Samuel & Sage
> In our current production environment, there exists osd crash because of the 
> inconsistence of data, when reading the “_” xattr. Which is described in the 
> issue:
> http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/10117.
> And I also find a two year’s old issue, which also describes the same bug:
> http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/3676.
> I think there is a apparent flaw in the related code. Could you help to 
> review my last comment describing the way to fix the bug.
> I prefer the second way, we just delete the object if we can’t get the “_” 
> xattr, instead of crashing the osd, and the object has two other replicas, 
> which can serve the client’s request.
> And when the next time self-healing process(scrub, deep scrub) occurs, the 
> object can recover from its peer.
> Because I am not so proficient of the source code, I don’t know if the 
> repairing way has any other side effects on the ceph cluster.
> If you have any idea about the bug, please feel free to let me know.
> Thanks
> Wenjunh

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