We were having this same error;  after some troubleshooting it turned out that 
the 17.2.7 cephadm orchestrator's ssh client was choking on the 
keyboard-interactive AuthenticationMethod (which is really PAM);  Our sshd 
configuration was:

AuthenticationMethods keyboard-interactive publickey,keyboard-interactive 

Thus, cephadm was trying to use "publickey,keyboard-interactive";  publickey 
would succeed, but the cephadm ssh client would close the connection as soon as 
a follow-up keyboard-interactive method was attempted.  Adding this to 
sshd_config for each orchestrator seemed to fix it by using only publickey 
AuthenticationMethod for just the cephadm orchestrators, but using the standard 
config for everybody else:

Match Address <cephadm IPv4>
  # For some reason the 17.2.7 cephadm orchestrator
  # chokes on keyboard-interactive (PAM)
  # AuthenticationMethod;  thus, exclude it.
  AuthenticationMethods publickey
  PermitRootLogin yes

Match Address <cephadm IPv6>
  # For some reason the 17.2.7 cephadm orchestrator
  # chokes on keyboard-interactive (PAM)
  # AuthenticationMethod;  thus, exclude it.
  AuthenticationMethods publickey
  PermitRootLogin yes

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