Hi Cephers,

These are the topics covered in today's meeting:

   - *Releases*

   - *Hot fixes Releases*

   - *18.2.2*

   - https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/55491 - reef: mgr/prometheus: fix
   orch check to prevent Prometheus crash

   - https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/55709 - reef: debian/*.postinst: add
   adduser as a dependency and specify --home when adduser

   - https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/55712 - reef: src/osd/OSDMap.cc: Fix
   encoder to produce same bytestream

   - [Laura] When/who can upgrade the LRC for this release? (Dan will after
   we do some last checks today)

   - Gibba has been upgraded with no apparent issues

   - *17.2.8* (on hold based on whether the osdmap fix requirement) - *No
   longer needed*

   - osdmap fix (not needed:

   - Rook requests to include this c-v fix that blocks OSDs in some
   scenarios (not worthy of its own hotfix, just please include if we do the

   - https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/54522 - quincy: ceph-volume: fix a
   regression in raw list

   - As crc fix is not needed, the Rook request can be included in a
   regular quincy release

   - *Regular releases*

   - *18.2.3* - exporter fixes for rook and debian-derived users make this
   more urgent than quincy

   - mgr usage of pyO3/cryptography an issue for debian - and possibly
   centos9 (https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/64213#note-2) - see notes from

   - Any updates on potentially dropping modules or another fix? Adam?

   - Squid *19.1.0*

   - CephFS waiting for 2 feature PR

   - RGW PRs

   - NVMe? To be confirmed with Aviv

   - squid blockers:

   - build centos 9 containers:

   - ceph-object-corpus:
https://github.com/ceph/ceph-object-corpus/pull/17 (testing
   in https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/54735)

   - Milestone for squid blockers (use to tag blockers for the first 19.1.0
   RC): https://github.com/ceph/ceph/milestone/21

   - Squid RCs and community testing

   - https://pad.ceph.com/p/squid_scale_testing

   - Target date March ~20

   - *17.2.9*

   - need jammy builds for quincy before a squid release. maybe we can just
   build them for the 17.2.7 release? (do you mean the 17.2.8 release?)

   - *Meeting time - *change days to Monday or Thursday? (added by Josh -
   who has a conflict on Wednesdays now)

   - Thursday has several conflicting community meetings

   - Any objections to Monday at the same time?

   - Note the change to US daylight savings next week

   - Let's do a poll (Doodle)

   - *debian-reef_OLD email thread "[ceph-users] debian-reef_OLD?"*

   - Fixed by Yuri

   - *CDM APAC tonight*:

   - *Sepia Lab*:

   - PSA: https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/55820 merged (squid crontab
   additions and overhaul to nightlies)

   - New grafana widget for smithi node utilization:


   - (Basically: unlocked machine * hours / total machine * hours )

   - [Zac] *ceph-exporter release notes question from Jan Horacek* (from
   the upstream community)

   - Route to Juanmi Olmo

   - [Zac] - *Eugen Block's question about removing sensitive information
   from ceph-users mailing list*

   - No easy way to request/remove sensitive information.

   - [Zac] - *Anthony D'Atri submits Index HQ in Toronto as a possible
   venue for Cephalocon 2024*

   - Venue already booked (Patrick)

   - [Zac] - *CQ issue 4 -- submit your requests before 25 Mar 2024* --

Kind Regards,

Ernesto Puerta
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