Hi All,

So I've got a Ceph Reef Cluster (latest version) with a CephFS system set up 
with a number of directories on it.

On a Laptop (running Rocky Linux (latest version)) I've used fstab to mount a 
number of those directories - all good, everything works, happy happy joy joy! 

However, when the laptop goes into sleep or hibernate mode (ie when I close the 
lid) and then bring it back out of sleep/hibernate (ie open the lid) the CephFS 
mounts are "not present". The only way to get them back is to run `mount -a` as 
either root or as sudo. This, as I'm sure you'll agree, is less than ideal - 
especially as this is a pilot project for non-admin users (ie they won't have 
access to the root account or sudo on their own (corporate) laptops).

So, my question to the combined wisdom of the Community is what's the best way 
to resolve this issue?

I've looked at autofs, and even tried (half-heartedly - it was late, and I 
wanted to go home  :-) ) to get this running, but I'm note sure if this is the 
best way to resolve things.

All help and advice on this greatly appreciated - thank in advance


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