Hi All,

I'm looking for a bit of advice on the subject of this post. I've been "staring 
at the trees so long I can't see the forest any more".  :-)

Rocky Linux Client latest version.
Ceph Reef latest version.

I have read *all* the doco on the Ceph website.
I have created a pool (my_pool) and an image (my_image).
I had activated the pool for RBD.
I can run the `rbdmap map` command on the client and the image shows up as 
/dev/rbd0 (and also /dev/rbd/my_pool/my_image).

But here's where I'm running into issues - and I'm pretty sure it's a 'Level 8' 
issue, so it'll be something simple that I'm just not "getting":

Do I need to run `mkfs` on /dev/rbd0 before I try `mount 
/dev/rbd/my_pool/my_image /mnt/rbd_image`?

The reason I ask is that I've tried to mount the image before I run 'mkfs' and 
I get back `mount: /mnt/rbd_image: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on 
/dev/rbdo, missing codepage or helper program, or other error`.

I've also tried to mount the image after I run 'mkfs' and I get back `mount: 
/mnt/rbd_image: can't read superblock on /dev/rbd0`.

Basically, as I've said, I'm missing or don't understand *something* about this 
process - which is why I'm now seeking the collective wisdom of the Community.

All help and advice greatly appreciated - thanks in advance


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