Hi Team,

We are trying to integrate ceph with ovirt.
We have deployed ovirt 4.4.
We want to create a storage domain of POSIX compliant type for mounting a ceph 
based infrastructure in ovirt.
We have done SRV based resolution in our DNS server for ceph mon nodes but we 
are unable to create a storage domain using that.

We are able to manually mount the ceph-mon nodes using the following command on 
the deployment hosts:
sudo mount -t ceph :/volumes/xyz/conf/00593e1d-b674-4b00-a289-20bec06761c9 
-o rw,name=foo,secret=AQABDzRkTaJCEhAAC7rC6E68ofwULnx6qX/VDA==

[root@deployment-host mnt]# df -kh
df: /run/user/0/gvfs: Transport endpoint is not connected
                                                       Size  Used Avail Use% 
Mounted on

   19G     0   19G   0% 

1. Could anyone help us out with storage domain creation in ovirt for SRV 
resolved ceph-mon nodes.
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