Hello Ceph-Users,

I have a question regarding support for any client side encryption in the Cloud Sync Module for RGW (https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/cloud-sync-module/).

While a "regular" multi-site setup (https://docs.ceph.com/en/latest/radosgw/multisite/) is usually syncing data between Ceph clusters, RGWs and other supporting infrastructure in the same administrative domain this might be different when looking at cloud sync. One could setup a sync to e.g. AWS S3 or any other compatible S3 implementation that is provided as a service and by another provider.

1) I was wondering if there is any transparent way to apply client side encryption to those objects that are sent to the remote service? Even something the likes of a single static key (see https://github.com/ceph/ceph/blob/1c9e84a447bb628f2235134f8d54928f7d6b7796/doc/radosgw/encryption.rst#automatic-encryption-for-testing-only) would protect against the remote provider being able to look at the data.

2) What happens to objects that are encrypted on the source RGW and via SSE-S3? (https://docs.ceph.com/en/quincy/radosgw/encryption/#sse-s3) I suppose those remain encrypted? But this does require users to actively make use of SSE-S3, right?

Thanks again with kind regards,


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