> I'm reading and trying to figure out how crazy
> is using Ceph for all of the above targets [MySQL]

Not crazy at all, it just depends on your performance needs.  16K I/O
is not the best Ceph use case, but the snapshot/qcow2 features may
justify it.

The biggest problem I have with MySQL is that each connection uses a
single CPU core.  Combine this with poor 16K performance, and it's
tough to get good performance unless there are a lot of users.

Mass loading of data is particularly agonizing on MySQL, especially on
Ceph.  The last time I had to do a mass import, it was much faster to
copy the rbd to a local drive partition and run my VM there for the
import and then copy the block device back to the rbd.  This is
because you can use qemu-img to copy the block device with a large
block size and up to 16 threads which can move multiple terabytes an

My MySQL database is almost always CPU bound and never more than ~20%
iowait, so it can run on Ceph fairly well.


On Tue, Jun 14, 2022 at 8:14 AM Kostadin Bukov
<kostadin.bu...@opencode.com> wrote:
> Greetings to all great people from Ceph community,
> I'm currently digging and trying to collect pros and cons of using CEPH for
> below purposes:
> - for MySQL server datastore (InnoDB) using Cephfs or rbd. Let's say we
> have 1 running Mysql server (active) and in case it fails the same InnoDB
> datastore is accessed from a MySQL server 2 (started, access the InnoDB
> from MySQL server 1 and become the new active). Or better to use old-school
> 2 MySQL servers with replication and avoid Ceph at all)?
> - storing application log files from different nodes (something like a
> central place for logs from different bare-metal servers or VMs or
> containers). By the way our applications under heavy load could generate
> gigabytes of log files per hour...
> - for configuration files (for different applications)
> - for etcd
> - for storing backup files from different nodes
> I'm reading and trying to figure out how crazy is using Ceph for all of the
> above targets.
> Kindly can you share your opinions if you think this is too complex and I
> can end up with a lot of troubles if Ceph cluster goes down.
> The applications and MySQL server are for production/critical platform
> which might high-availability, redundancy and performance (sometimes apps
> and MySQL are quite hungry when writing to the disk)
> Log files and backup files are not so critical so maybe putting them on
> Ceph with replica x3 would just generate unnecessary ceph traffic between
> the ceph nodes.
> Application configurations are needed only when start/restart application.
> The most critical data from the whole is the MySQL InnoDB data
> Would be interesting to me if you share your thoughts/experience or I
> should look elsewhere....
> Regards,
> Kosta
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