The ceph balancer sets upmap items which violates my crushrule

the rule:

rule cslivebapfirst {
    id 0
    type replicated
    min_size 2
    max_size 4
    step take csliveeubap-u01dc
    step chooseleaf firstn 2 type room
    step emit
    step take csliveeubs-u01dc
    step chooseleaf firstn 2 type room
    step emit

So my intention is, that the first two replicas are stored in the
datacenter „csliveeubap-u01dc“ and the next two replicas are stored in
the datacenter „csliveeubs-u01dc“

The cluster has 49152 PGs and 665 of them has at least 3 replicas in
one datacenter which is not expected!

One example on PG 3.96e
The acting OSDs are in this order:
504 -> DC: csliveeubap-u01dc, room: csliveeubap-u01r03
1968 -> DC: csliveeubap-u01dc, room: csliveeubap-u01r01
420 -> DC: csliveeubap-u01dc, room: csliveeubap-u01r02
1945 -> DC: csliveeubs-u01dc, room: csliveeubs-u01r01

This PG has one upmap item: 
ceph osd dump | grep
3.96e pg_upmap_items 3.96e [2013,420]

OSD 2013 is in the DC: csliveeubs-u01dc 

I checked this by hand with ceph osd pg-upmap-item
If I try to set two relicas in one room I will get a appropriate error
in the mon log and nothing happens. But setting it to a other dc worked

I would suggest this is a ugly bug. What do you think?

ceph version 14.2.11 (f7fdb2f52131f54b891a2ec99d8205561242cdaf)
nautilus (stable) 

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