Dear Ceph Users,

Kindly help me to repair my cluster is down from yesterday up to now I am
not able to make it up and running . below are some findings:

    id:     6ad86187-2738-42d8-8eec-48b2a43c298f
    health: HEALTH_ERR
            mons are allowing insecure global_id reclaim
            1/3 mons down, quorum ceph-mon1,ceph-mon3
            10/32332 objects unfound (0.031%)
            1 osds down
            3 scrub errors
            Reduced data availability: 124 pgs inactive, 60 pgs down, 411
pgs stale
            Possible data damage: 9 pgs recovery_unfound, 1 pg
backfill_unfound, 1 pg inconsistent
            Degraded data redundancy: 6009/64664 objects degraded (9.293%),
55 pgs degraded, 80 pgs undersized
            11 pgs not deep-scrubbed in time
            5 slow ops, oldest one blocked for 1638 sec, osd.9 has slow ops

    mon: 3 daemons, quorum ceph-mon1,ceph-mon3 (age 3h), out of quorum:
    mgr: ceph-mon1(active, since 9h), standbys: ceph-mon2
    osd: 10 osds: 6 up (since 7h), 7 in (since 9h); 43 remapped pgs

    pools:   11 pools, 560 pgs
    objects: 32.33k objects, 159 GiB
    usage:   261 GiB used, 939 GiB / 1.2 TiB avail
    pgs:     11.429% pgs unknown
             10.714% pgs not active
             6009/64664 objects degraded (9.293%)
             1384/64664 objects misplaced (2.140%)
             10/32332 objects unfound (0.031%)
             245 stale+active+clean
             70  active+clean
             64  unknown
             48  stale+down
             45  stale+active+undersized+degraded
             37  stale+active+clean+remapped
             28  stale+active+undersized
             12  down
             2   stale+active+recovery_unfound+degraded
             2   stale+active+recovery_unfound+undersized+degraded
             2   stale+active+recovery_unfound+undersized+degraded+remapped
             2   active+recovery_unfound+undersized+degraded+remapped
             1   active+clean+inconsistent
             1   stale+active+recovery_unfound+degraded+remapped
             1   stale+active+backfill_unfound+undersized+degraded+remapped

If someone faced same issue please help me.

Best Regards.

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