
The server run 15.2.9 and has 15 HDD and 3 SSD.
The OSDs was created with this YAML file

service_type: osd
service_id: hdd
  host_pattern: 'pech-hd-*'
  rotational: 1
  rotational: 0

The result was that the 3 SSD is added to 1 VG with 15 LV on it.

# vgs | egrep "VG|dbs"
VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree ceph-block-dbs-563432b7-f52d-4cfe-b952-11542594843b 3 15 0 wz--n- <5.24t 48.00m

One of the osd failed and I run rm with replace

# ceph orch osd rm 178 --replace

and the result is

# ceph osd tree | grep "ID|destroyed"
ID CLASS WEIGHT TYPE NAME STATUS REWEIGHT PRI-AFF 178 hdd 12.82390 osd.178 destroyed 0 1.00000

But I'm not able to replace the disk with the same YAML file as shown above.

# ceph orch apply osd -i hdd.yml --dry-run

I guess this is the wrong way to do it, but I can't find the answer in the documentation.
So how can I replace this failed disk in Cephadm?

Kai Stian Olstad
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