Hello everyone, 

A few weeks ago I have enabled the ceph balancer on my cluster as per the 
instructions here: [ https://docs.ceph.com/docs/mimic/mgr/balancer/ | 
https://docs.ceph.com/docs/mimic/mgr/balancer/ ] 

I am running ceph version: 

ceph version 13.2.6 (7b695f835b03642f85998b2ae7b6dd093d9fbce4) mimic (stable) 

The cluster has 48 osds (40 osds in hdd pools and 8 osds in ssd pool) 

Currently, the balancer status is showing as Active. 

# ceph balancer status 
"active": true, 
"plans": [], 
"mode": "upmap" 

The health status of the cluster is: 

health: HEALTH_OK 

Previously, I've used the old REWEIGHT to change the placement of data as I've 
seen very uneven usage (ranging from about 60% usage on some OSDs to over 90% 
on others). So, I have a number of osds with reweight of 1 an some going down 
to 0.75. 

At the moment the osd usage ranges between about 65% to to just under 90%, so 
still a huge variation. After switching on the balancer, I've not actually seen 
any activity or data migration, so I am not sure if the balancer is working at 
all. Could someone tell me how do I check if balancing is doing its job? 

The second question is as the balancer is now switched on, do I suppose to set 
the reweight values back to their default value of 1? 

Many thanks 

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