we've observed 500er errors on uploading files to a single bucket, but the
problem went away after around 2 hours.

We've checked and saw the following error message:
2023-03-08T17:55:58.778+0000 7f8062f15700 0 WARNING: set_req_state_err
err_no=125 resorting to 500 2023-03-08T17:55:58.778+0000 7f8062f15700 0
ERROR: RESTFUL_IO(s)->complete_header() returned err=Bad file
descriptor 2023-03-08T17:55:58.778+0000
7f8062f15700 1 ====== req done req=0x7f81d0189700 op status=-125
http_status=500 latency=65003730017ns ====== 2023-03-08T17:55:58.778+0000
7f8062f15700 1 beast: 0x7f81d0189700: IPADDRESS - -
[2023-03-08T17:55:58.778961+0000] "PUT /BUCKET/OBJECT HTTP/1.1" 500 57 -
"aws-sdk-php/3.257.11 OS/Linux/5.15.0-60-generic lang/php/8.2.3
GuzzleHttp/7" -

It only happened to a single bucket over a period of 1-2 hours (around 300
In the same time we've had >20k PUT requests the were working fine on other

This error also seem to happen to other buckets, but only very sporadically.

Did someone encounter this issue or knows what it could be?

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