
I have just upgraded my cluster from 14.2.16 to 14.2.21, and after the
upgrade, radosgw was listening on the default port 7480 instead of the SSL port
it used before the upgrade. It might be I mishandled
"ceph config assimilate-conf" previously or forgot to restart radosgw
after the assimilate-conf or something. What is the correct
way to store radosgw configuration in ceph config?

I have the following (which I think worked previously, but I might be wrong,
e.g. forgot to restart radosgw or something):

# ceph config dump
    client.rgw.<myhost>   basic    rgw_frontends     beast ssl_port=<myport> 
ssl_private_key=/etc/pki/tls/private/<myhost>.key *  

However, after rgw startup, there was the following in

2021-05-14 21:38:35.075 7f6ffd621900  1 mgrc service_daemon_register 
rgw.<myhost> metadata {arch=x86_64,ceph_release=nautilus,ceph_version=ceph 
version 14.2.21 (5ef401921d7a88aea18ec7558f7f9374ebd8f5a6) nautilus 
...,distro=centos,distro_description=CentOS Linux 7 
port=7480,frontend_type#0=beast,hostname=<myhost>,kernel_description=#1 SMP 

(note the port=7480 and no SSL).

After adding the following into /etc/ceph/ceph.conf on the host where
rgw is running, it started to use the correct SSL port again:

        rgw_frontends = beast ssl_port=<myport> 

How can I configure this using "ceph config"?


| Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak <kas at {fi.muni.cz - work | yenya.net - private}> |
| http://www.fi.muni.cz/~kas/                         GPG: 4096R/A45477D5 |
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    when it's necessary to compromise.                     --Larry Wall
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