Dear All,

We've just encountered a problem with enabling grafana embedded dashboards in a 100% container free install of 16.2.6

It seems that the dashboard now needs the data source in grafana to be named "Dashboard1".

You would typically see this setting on a grafana server here:


Our previous installs were 14.2.X based. We have always tried to name data sources logically using the cluster name, e.g. "Ceph Store 2".

The older dashboard code used "default" as the data source, which worked fine, as our "Ceph Store 2" data source was also set as "default" in the grafana WebGUI.

When setting the data source, we typically use:

# ceph dashboard set-grafana-api-url http://ceph2-s1:3000


Is it possible to specify the data source name, or do we now need to set Dashboard1 in grafana?

The grafana install docs here:


"Add Prometheus as data source to Grafana using the Grafana Web UI."

If the data source is now hard coded to "Dashboard1", can we update the docs?

best regards,


Dr Jake Grimmett
Head Of Scientific Computing
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Francis Crick Avenue,
Cambridge CB2 0QH, UK.

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