Hey all, I'm currently pouring through the ceph docs trying to familiarize 
myself with the product before I begin my cluster build-out for a virtualized 
environment. One area which I've been looking into is disk 

I stumbled onto the following site:

1)       I'm not sure where this info below originates as I did not see this on 
the ceph doc site, unless it is hidden in some dark corner somewhere.  Anyone 
point me to a wiki/url?

2)      Can someone describe this 50/50 split of journal vs filesystem (assume 
it has something to do with filestore flush)?

"Consideration about the ceph's journal. The journal is by design the component 
that could be severely and easily improved. Take a little step back over it. As 
a reminder the ceph's journal serves 2 purposes:

  *   It acts as a buffer cache (FIFO buffer). The journal takes every request 
and performs each write with O_DIRECT. After a determined period and 
acknowledgment the journal flush his content to the backend filesystem. By 
default this value is set to 5 seconds and called filestore max sync interval. 
The filestore starts to flush when the journal is half-full or max sync 
interval is reached.
  *   Failure coverage, pending writes are handled by the Journal if not 
committed yet to the backend filesystem.
The journal can operate in 2 modes called parallel and writeahead, the given 
mode is automatically detected according to the file system in use by the OSD 
backend storage. The parallel mode is only supported by Btrfs.
In practice, common gigabits network can write 100 MB/sec. Let say that you 
store your journal and your backend storage are stored on the same disk. This 
disk has a write speed of 100 MB/sec. With the default writeahead mode the 
write speed will be split after 5 seconds (the default duration during the one 
the journal starts to flush to the backend filesystem).
The first 5 sec writes at 100 MB/sec, after that writes are splitted like so:

  *   50 MB/sec for the journal
  *   50 MB/sec for the backend filesystem"
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