Ok a while back I was looking at implementing advanced security for our intranet. Some one suggested that I get the book Professional CF 5.0 which I did (and is a great resource btw) but it did not cover what I really need to know about advanced security. I think I have everything down as far as policies and what not but defining user directories from an ODBC data source is really very fuzzy every time I try to read about it (this is from the Advanced CF Administrator book by Macromedia). It says there is an .ini file named SmDSQuery.ini in the cfusion/bin directory that is supposed to be used but it is missing off my server. On top of that I am not too certain what I am looking at in the book. Its on page 94 if any of you have the book I speak of. The edit user directory page in the administrator is not well explained either. Can anybody explain how all this works clearer?

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