if the text users enter into your textarea looks like this:


then this is how you can format the output:
<cfloop list="#FORM.crossRefList#" delimiters="#chr(13)&chr(10)#" 
<li><span style="font-size:1.3em; 
font-weight:bold;">#listfirst(brandgroup, '|')#</span>
<cfloop list="#listrest(brandgroup, '|')#" delimiters=";" 


On 30/12/2010 23:10 , Teed Younger wrote:
>> Shouldn't that be listLast(brandGroup,";") ? Otherwise, where is
>> productGroup defined above this?
>>>                   <li>#listLast(productGroup,";")#</li>
>>>                 </cfloop>
> ok here is what I have now. I had this originally just like this. As you 
> suggested, the second cfloop should have listLast(brandGroup, ";") in it. So 
> here it is now:
> <cfoutput>
>              <cfloop index="brandGroup" list="#FORM.crossRefList#" 
> delimiters="#chr(13)##chr(10)#">
>                <ul>
>                 <h3>#listFirst(brandGroup,"#chr(13)##chr(10)#")#</h3>
>                  <cfloop index="productGroup
> " list="#listLast(brandGroup)#"  delimiters="|">
>                    <li>#listLast(brandGroup,":")#</li>
>                   </cfloop>
>                </ul>
>              </cfloop>
>            </cfoutput>
> So now what happens is, each item I type in the form field gets repeated 
> twice, with the first item of each repeat being displayed in the heading 3 
> tag. I dont see a way to format text here so not sure I can copy and paste 
> the results to show the heading style applied. but here is the results anyway:
>        Cross Reference
>      * Cross Reference
>        cross
>      * cross
>        lists
>      * lists
> DOnt know where the asteriks came from, but again, the first item of each 
> repeat should be a heading 3 style which would be a bolder and larger font.
> I have tried every combination of reworked code, commenting out one loop or 
> another, and every delimiter I can try. The closest I have been to being 
> correct is commenting out the first cfloop. Then at least each item gets 
> displayed in a list only once, but that will not differentiate the first item 
> as being a heading.
> Can anyone see whats going on? I really dont want to rework my entire page 
> builder app for just this issue..lol I dont want to scrap a months worth of 
> work to use another canned application. Thanks again for any help!

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