Re: regex and options

2008-10-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
what makes Dr and Prof special, compared to the hundreds of other similar ones? According to the typographic code, there are rules about abreviations. For common words as Doctor, Mister, etc, there are may ways to abreviate them, but only one complies with rules and is considered as correct.

Re: regex and options

2008-10-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
Heh. If it's a drop down, I wouldn't bother with a regex: I wouldn't even bother with any verification at all. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: How does Security affect search engine spiders?

2008-10-13 Thread Claude Schneegans
My only thought on that is to detect the fact that they are a spider (not sure how to do that though) and not implement security in that case. Oups, not a good idea. There are mainly two sorts of spiders: good bots (ie:google) and bad bots (ie: those looking for mail addresses to spam) In

Re: How does Security affect search engine spiders?

2008-10-13 Thread Claude Schneegans
is there a good bot/bad bot list? Not as I know, anyway, one cannot rely on user agents which can be faked so easily. Personally, I let just a few known bots in, based on the IP address, the only parameter that cannot be faked. For every other request, I have some tools that analyze

Re: How does Security affect search engine spiders?

2008-10-13 Thread Claude Schneegans
Not as I know, anyway, one cannot rely on user agents which can be faked so easily. Just to illustrate this, as I was writing my last message, I just received a notice from my server reporting a new bad bot detected. its user agent is Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1;

Re: How does Security affect search engine spiders?

2008-10-13 Thread Claude Schneegans
Looks to me as though it is blocking SQL injection attacks It doesn't block anything, it SENDS SQL injection attacks! MY application blocked it. ;-) ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic

Re: How to handle quote symbols

2008-10-11 Thread Claude Schneegans
Here's my you store 12 in the database, or 12quot; Does it matter? Use '12' what's the problem? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: Won't evaluate?

2008-10-10 Thread Claude Schneegans
So why isn't this working then? cfset UserCount = #Users.Recordcount# cfset Question = #Replace(FAQ.Question, '$$UserCount$$', #usercount#, ALL)# You're not using # signs correctly : cfset UserCount = Users.Recordcount cfset Question = Replace(FAQ.Question, '$$UserCount$$',

Re: Won't evaluate?

2008-10-10 Thread Claude Schneegans
Replace(FAQ.Question, '$$UserCount$$', usercount, ALL) It may also be an question of upper/lower case. Are you sure you always have UserCount ? If not, use replaceNoCase() instead. just doesn't show any usercount. Does it show any '$$UserCount$$' then ?

Re: Won't evaluate?

2008-10-10 Thread Claude Schneegans
Yes, I know scoping my variables is a good thing now and I will from now on when needed. But honestly, it so rarely comes up as an issue Right. A good practice to avoid trouble if you don't scope is at least to use different names for variables in different scopes, especially with queries. The

Re: Form Challenge?

2008-10-01 Thread Claude Schneegans
When processing this form I need to check for the existence of any of the check boxes. Yeah, this is really a design problem in HTML, the name of an unchecked checkbox is not passed by the browser in the HTTP protocol. IMHO some default value would pretty useful, ie: INPUT NAME=myCheckBox

Re: New SQL Injection

2008-09-20 Thread Claude Schneegans
I wish there was some way to counter attack!!! H Well, based on the fact that attacks come from infected PC which even ignore they were infected, it would be pretty useless to counter-attack the IP address from which the attack came. BUT, all theses attacks tend to inject spammy links to

Re: Want to Learn Fuse-Box

2008-09-18 Thread Claude Schneegans
But It looks something strange to me Then you must be a sane and well-balanced person ;-) and I quit. Believe me, that was your best decision ;-) ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release

Re: How to parse a text file...

2008-09-18 Thread Claude Schneegans
I've tried several methods to get this code into an array with the filename as the first array element and the description as the second array element May be you don't need to go that far in creating an array. Just create a single array the way you did it, with both the file name and the

Re: CSS Question

2008-09-17 Thread Claude Schneegans
I really really wish that someone would come up with a standard that will work in every browser. In my experience: 1. option tag cannot include any HTML child; 2. option style only support color, no background, no bold, italic or so.

Re: CSS Question

2008-09-17 Thread Claude Schneegans
Or a browser that adheres to the standard? C'mon, we are in a developer forum here, any developer should be concern by the way their application behaves on the client side, and like it or not, about 80% of client use Explorer.

Re: image map creator

2008-09-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
Looked at a few examples online, none of which were very impresive. Need something direct and simple... any ideas? It would certainly help to understand what you are looking for if you could give us the addresses for these examples.

Re: Alternative to using CONTAINS repeatedly?

2008-09-12 Thread Claude Schneegans
lcase(form.First_Name) First of all, you could avoid calling the lcase function 6 times on the same expression: store lcase(form.First_Name) once for all in one variable, and use this variable in your tests. But this is just a general consideration. What you need here is some regExp, ie cfif

Re: CFFORM and JS Script Source

2008-09-12 Thread Claude Schneegans
Here's the problem - One of the reasons I stopped using CFFORM more than10 years ago and developed my own tags and JS validation... ;-) ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get

Re: Are nested loops allowed in fusebox 5?

2008-09-12 Thread Claude Schneegans
Are nested loops allowed in fusebox 5? I'm not sure I understand your question: Fusebox is not a language, just a framework, and as such has no mean to allow loops or not. Fusebox relies on the ColdFusion language, and yes, CF allows nested loops.

Re: CF and Access

2008-09-11 Thread Claude Schneegans
I thought maybe the Yes/No column was throwing it This is also my guess. Yes may be recognized by Access when the query is submitted directly, but it is not standard SQL and the JDBC driver will interpret it as a column name. Try INT_PARTRETURNED = 1 instead (don't include instead in the query

Re: using dynamic variable in cfset statement

2008-09-09 Thread Claude Schneegans
The variable application. ends with a . character. This looks to me like appconfig.code_name is an empty string. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: using dynamic variable in cfset statement

2008-09-09 Thread Claude Schneegans
Also, the [] is an invalid constrict in coldfusion. well, if appconfig.code_name is an empty string, then [appconfig.code_name] will be equivalent to [], which is an invalid constrict in coldfusion. If I were you, I'll really make sure appconfig.code_name is not an empty string ;-) Just try

Re: How can I unzip a password-protected zip file with cfzip?

2008-09-03 Thread Claude Schneegans
Extracting files from .ZIP: This means PKZIP started correctly and found the zip file, but the extraction is not over, probably because the console program is waiting for the password to be entered. It looks like the password parameter is used to zip a file, but not for unzipping. You may

Re: How can I unzip a password-protected zip file with cfzip?

2008-09-03 Thread Claude Schneegans
OK, I looked in the documentation, and can confirm the syntax for the password option: -password=bsz3xuYD See the = sign in the command. If there is a space after password, the the program will read the password from the console.

Re: How can I unzip a password-protected zip file with cfzip? (Success!)

2008-09-03 Thread Claude Schneegans
Finally found an old online pkzip 2.5 manual. Good. Note that you can also: - open Windows Explorer, - find your PKZIP25.exe file, - double clic on it to execute, This open a console window, enter ? and you have a list of all commands and options.

Re: How can I unzip a password-protected zip file with cfzip? (Success!)

2008-09-03 Thread Claude Schneegans
Yes, I did that when you recommended it. It just didn't show the syntax for using the commands. Ok, like in most DOS programs, if you type ?command, you get details about a command, ie: ?extract or ?password ~| Adobe®

Re: How can I unzip a password-protected zip file with cfzip?

2008-09-02 Thread Claude Schneegans
is there a way to use the password with cfzip action=unzip ? Personally, I create and CFEXECUTE a bat file which runs a 10 years old version of PKZIP. It supports compression/decompresssion and passwords and still works pretty well.

Re: How can I unzip a password-protected zip file with cfzip?

2008-09-02 Thread Claude Schneegans
Would you mind sharing an example of how you use CFExecute and the bat file to process a certain list of files? I just reopen the file were I use it, and I see that I don't use the bat file anymore, this was in version 1.0. Now I pass the parameter directly through CFEXECUTE: CFEXECUTE

Re: Opinions about on the fly image resizing

2008-09-02 Thread Claude Schneegans
Any oppinion is appreciated. Well, IMO, the big idea of thumbnails is to show many images roughly and in the same page, so that the user can choose only the one in want in large format. Having to read and downsize 10 or 20 or more images is not really compatible with this purpose. The images

Re: Opinions about on the fly image resizing

2008-09-02 Thread Claude Schneegans
you only need wipe that directory clean and everything will start being regenerated. Very brilliant indeed. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: Please Help..Confused

2008-09-02 Thread Claude Schneegans
I should have clarified that I am not passing a date such as mm/dd/. The year dropdown contains the values 1-5 that the user can select, the month is 1-11, and the days are 1-30. What I am trying to do is for example, when if a user selects 2 years 2 months 2 days then I need to convert

Re: Please Help..Confused

2008-09-02 Thread Claude Schneegans
I need to convert those values to days and add them up. Ok, but to add them up to WHICH date ? Or do you consider every month to be 30 days and every year to be 365 days in general? If yes, then just use dateAdd (d, form.years*365 + form.months*30 + form.days, dateToBeAdded)

Re: How can I unzip a password-protected zip file with cfzip?

2008-09-02 Thread Claude Schneegans
Ideas? First, I would check if the file e:\inetpub\webroot\real_estate_data\smlc\daily_downloads\zip_files\extract_log.txt has been created and, if yes, if it contains any message errors. Also make sure you have no line breaks inside the arguments parameter string For other parameters in

Re: Wildcard characters in filepath?

2008-08-31 Thread Claude Schneegans
Is there some way I can use cfhttp to access the files listed on the web page and download them? No, in order to use CFFTP, you need some FTP account on the aimed server. I click on the link and it takes me to a page in the browser that lists the files I need. Ok, then you do have the name of

Re: Wildcard characters in filepath?

2008-08-30 Thread Claude Schneegans
How can I use wildcard characters in a file path? In a file path for what ? If it is for an HTTP request, the answer is no. If it is for CFFILE, it is still no. Using wild cards could mean that several files could be returned, and both HTTP and CFFILE can deal with only one file at a time.

Re: Wildcard characters in filepath?

2008-08-30 Thread Claude Schneegans
The question would really just apply to files. Well, it DOES depend on how you want and can finally get the file. Is the file on YOUR server, or somewhere else. Is the file accessible through HTTP, FTP ? If the file is not on your server, surely you cannot use CFdirectory. If you only have HTTP

Re: Wildcard characters in filepath?

2008-08-30 Thread Claude Schneegans
using so regExp. I mean *some* regExp. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial;203748912;27390454;j Archive:

Re: Pre-filling FileField Values

2008-08-29 Thread Claude Schneegans
Because that isn't what HTTP was ever designed to do. They made a whole protocol just to handle this: FTP. I think this kind of argument is completely obsolete now. Both HTTP and FTP were designed to allow exchanges between computers made by computer scientists. Now, at least for HTTP, their

Re: Pre-filling FileField Values

2008-08-29 Thread Claude Schneegans
If they're still clicking and selecting then it isn't more risk per se, but creates issues in usability for the user. If they're not careful they could theoretically upload their entire My Documents folder without realizing it when they intended to send one file. Right, but the browser could

Re: Pre-filling FileField Values

2008-08-29 Thread Claude Schneegans
I'll bet if I asked all of my clients to zip up a folder of folders, only 10% would know how to do it without in-depth instruction. Then you have a problem. All depends on the kind of application you have and the kind of clients who are using it.

Re: Pre-filling FileField Values

2008-08-29 Thread Claude Schneegans
Because browsers weren't designed to allow you to do that. Again, this is not a reason they could not be upgraded to do it. Browsers were not designed to support tables and CSS either, now they do. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8

Re: Pre-filling FileField Values

2008-08-28 Thread Claude Schneegans
Is there some way to pre-fill a filefield value? Forget it. Imagine it was possible, then a page could get directly some very sensitive files like your system files, or address book... ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the

Re: Pre-filling FileField Values

2008-08-28 Thread Claude Schneegans
and all they would need to do was submit the form. Not even, this could be done in an onload event ;-) ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: Pre-filling FileField Values

2008-08-28 Thread Claude Schneegans
Sometimes clients want to load 20 photos or more of a property and they complain about having to select each photo individually. Exact, one should be able to upload every thing like *.jpg in a directory, or select several files in it. I've implemented another solution were clients can send all

Re: Centering text written on an image

2008-08-26 Thread Claude Schneegans
how does the CFC measure the height and width of text without resorting to an image Any decent text/Image processing library will provide some function to calculate the physical length of a string given a specific font and size. And I'm pretty sure Ray's CFC is using a decent library.

Re: Flummoxed bya simple query

2008-08-21 Thread Claude Schneegans
Does FoxPro have case-sensitive column names? It could be an issue with table names, since tables are actually files, but not for columns. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date

Re: Query Too Complex for Access?

2008-08-20 Thread Claude Schneegans
Does anyone else know of any other ways? Plenty of them, but no one is better ;-) ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: SQL injection attack on House of Fusion

2008-08-16 Thread Claude Schneegans
they are back. Yeah, here too. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Thanks.

Re: SQL injection attack on House of Fusion

2008-08-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
Going through 136+ posts seems a bit too much, many thanks. Arn't you affraid to get even more if you start another thread again? ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to

Re: SQL injection attack on House of Fusion

2008-08-15 Thread Claude Schneegans
Not as far as technique, but it was much larger in scale than most of us have experience before. By the way, are you still getting hits from this attack? I don't see any anymore. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: Outputting columned UL tags

2008-08-14 Thread Claude Schneegans
ULs and LIs are better for search engine optimization. ??? Plus they're better semantic code. ??? -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: Outputting columned UL tags

2008-08-14 Thread Claude Schneegans
So it's a little lighter, codewise, plus ULs and LIs are MEANT to display lists of things while tables are not. Frankly, I don't see your point. ULs and LIs are meant to display lists, right, but what you want to do is not a list, it is a TABLE, so why not use a table ? --

Re: Outputting columned UL tags

2008-08-14 Thread Claude Schneegans
this isn't really tabular data. It's simply a list of links. This distinction is completely academic and irrelevant. The purpose of a table in HTML has never be to display data exclusively, but anything. HTML is a formating language, not a database facility. When you display things so they look

Re: Outputting columned UL tags

2008-08-14 Thread Claude Schneegans
So even if I'm only saving a few characters, it's better than using a TABLE. Provided you know how to do it. If you have to ask other people, then you are creating your own problem, just for saving a few characters... Besides...TABLEs are for tabular data. Sure you CAN put other stuff into

Re: Outputting columned UL tags

2008-08-14 Thread Claude Schneegans
then HTML tables are best used for database type information. No doubt about that. But the question here is should I use a table to output a list if I want it to look like a table, my answer is definitely YES. The only purpose on HTML is to define the layout of a page. If your layout requires

Re: Outputting columned UL tags

2008-08-14 Thread Claude Schneegans
Tables were intended to display tabular data. Correct, then if you want a list to be displayed as a tabular data, use a TABLE. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this

Re: Outputting columned UL tags

2008-08-14 Thread Claude Schneegans
I hate to drag this out further Me too... -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Thanks.

Re: Outputting columned UL tags

2008-08-13 Thread Claude Schneegans
I'm looking to output a series of ULs and LIs in a 3 column fashion Why ULs? Isn't this more a table case? -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL

Re: Redirection old ID values to new ID values

2008-08-12 Thread Claude Schneegans
I have a client whos old site (in ASP) is converting over to our CF storefront. We have the old ID values for their products and have stored them alongside the new ID values for the new store. If you are not running other ASP applications on this server, you could also set IIS to send ASP

Re: cfexecute batch file not working

2008-08-12 Thread Claude Schneegans
I have a very simple batch file Don't forget that the default directory used by the bat file is not the one the bat file resides, but the on from which it is run. In this occurrence, it is the CF directory. Then you may have to set the working directory from inside the bat file itself. --

Re: ReFind - help with regex (ColdfusionMX 7)

2008-08-12 Thread Claude Schneegans
I want to loop through a directory in my codebase and return a list of href tags This could be easily handled by CF_Reextract. You can get all your hrefs in a query using simple regExps. See --

Re: HELP! SQL Injection Attack!

2008-08-08 Thread Claude Schneegans
100 IPs is hardly any RAM. I'd use 10k entries, just as a starting number and scale down if it really becomes an issue. Another approach would be to store also the date the IP was entered in the list, and remove it after a certain number of days. -- ___

Re: SQL injection attack on House of Fusion

2008-08-08 Thread Claude Schneegans
very few bots accept cookies. I've never actually seen one that does, but I have read it is possible to write one that will. If you use CF to write the bot, for instance ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: SQL injection attack on House of Fusion

2008-08-08 Thread Claude Schneegans
Then 20-30 minutes later he would show up again with a different IP. How do you know it was the same guy ? May be it was the same bot doing the same thing, but these bots are just like viruses, they spread anywhere. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: HELP! SQL Injection Attack!

2008-08-07 Thread Claude Schneegans
Various people have been warning in the last few weeks that this sort of scatter gun approach that started with ASP-based sites is now migrating to ColdFusion powered ones. And it is growing up. Yesterday, my bad bot closed the door to about 50 attacks, and this morning I have 60 reported.

Re: HELP! SQL Injection Attack!

2008-08-07 Thread Claude Schneegans
blocking specific IP addresses won't get you very far here, because it's a random. blocking IP addresses won't prevent injection in your database if it is not protected, but if an attack is detected the very first attempt, it will save thousands of useless HTTP requests on your sites, because

Re: HELP! SQL Injection Attack!

2008-08-07 Thread Claude Schneegans
Tuesday night received about 20 thousands instances (not an exaggeration). Slowing down now for us, but, heh, it's early. This is were banning IPs at the first attempt will reduce this pollution. If the attack is detected at the first attempt, and the address banned, the statistics will show

Re: HELP! SQL Injection Attack!

2008-08-07 Thread Claude Schneegans
Claude, could you possibly share your code that stores the bad IP addresses for a period of time to prevent these useless http requests? Thanks, CV. Well, I'd be happy to, but it is a rather complete and complicated system. It works for all sites/domains on the CF server, uses a database, and

Re: HELP! SQL Injection Attack!

2008-08-07 Thread Claude Schneegans
I'd like to know how I can stop the requests from ever hitting the web-server. If you detect the attack at the first request, and block the IP, the bot will not even get the first page, will not see all links in it, and will not search your entire server. --

Re: HELP! SQL Injection Attack!

2008-08-07 Thread Claude Schneegans
I was hoping to find an elegant solution that stored the Ips in the application scope for the length of the session timeout and then gracefully removed the banned Ips once the session timed out. How about doing this: - Create a server scope array or list (if you have several sites), or just in

Re: HELP! SQL Injection Attack!

2008-08-07 Thread Claude Schneegans
Your system appears to be infect with a bot and it is currently banned from access this site... The cherry on the sundae ;-) In this page, I even have a form so the user can give his address and claim his innocence ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: HELP! SQL Injection Attack!

2008-08-07 Thread Claude Schneegans
I'm a little bermused as to why you'd create such a response guys. Just to make sure I give a chance to a legitimate user, in case my robot detection was a bit too strong. For instance, I also have a test based on the number of HTTP request per second in order to discriminate robots from human.

Re: securing pdf's?

2008-08-05 Thread Claude Schneegans
Serve the docs using cfcontent and secure the folder from direct access using your webserver. and if you can't create a secure folder, rename your files to .cfm, store them in a special folder, add some Application.cfm that will prevent direct access, and restore the original file name when

Re: Query of Queries

2008-08-05 Thread Claude Schneegans
I am afraid your right we might have to do a re-install. If restarting CF fails, and BEFORE reinstalling CF, one could try to restart the server. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send

Re: cfswitch

2008-08-04 Thread Claude Schneegans
I feel it is ridiculous.. What is the reasoning behind this if it si true? The reasoning is that is allows for a more efficient alternative to the general case if(expression1 == value1 ) ... elseif(expression2 == value2) ... elseif(expression3 == value3) ...construct, in the particular case

Re: cfswitch

2008-08-04 Thread Claude Schneegans
switch () in java allows constants to be used in case. I wish cf did too. CF does allow constants in case. Do you actually mean java allows VARIABLES in case? If yes, then no, like CF, Java allows only constantExpressions in case. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use

Re: Unknown JS error when doing AJAX.

2008-07-30 Thread Claude Schneegans
I changed document.getElementById(character).innerHTML=xmlHttp.responseText; to.. document.getElementById(character).value=xmlHttp.responseText; This will not show anything, since the element character is a div, it has no value. Only input element have values. So all what the statement

Re: Printer Question

2008-07-29 Thread Claude Schneegans
Just put this style in the first P or BR for your new page: STYLE=page-break-before: always; -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Thanks.

Re: paypal cart

2008-07-29 Thread Claude Schneegans
Simple hack might be to have a 'hidden field' on your form that concats the 4 fields into 1 field with a specified delimeter. This way you are passing one var with all 4 lines. When it returns from the paypal side, you can 'parse' the data into four lines again using the specified

Re: I need help with a PHP question - off line i guess

2008-07-29 Thread Claude Schneegans
that's a little bit of irony there I do not see anything but truth ;-) And there is no irony here ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Re: I need help with a PHP question - off line i guess

2008-07-29 Thread Claude Schneegans
I hear constantly how Microsoft is evil the best answer I got in this category is about Thunderbird's buggy message pane not able to add a scroll bar: message pane is total mess of a code nobody want to touch. Apparently Open source nerds have redesigned the way panels are handled, cause Windows

Re: Form Spam Attack

2008-07-29 Thread Claude Schneegans
almost anyone who can use the computer can add 3+5 Some people can even do it without using a computer ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL

Re: [ot] - Payment Gateways?

2008-07-27 Thread Claude Schneegans
Anyone have any experience with Google Checkout or any other companies that I should look into? Yes, good question. I have the feeling that if a significant number of developers here are complaining about Paypal, it may be just because Paypal having been around for such a long time, there

Re: Is this a CF bug or just a Java behavior?

2008-07-26 Thread Claude Schneegans
Did you just say you should NEVER do something? With a wink, yes I did ;-) -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send any spam to this address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]) Thanks.

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head... To Ben Forta

2008-07-25 Thread Claude Schneegans
how about changing cfquery so that by default, only ONE sql statment can be sent. Let us override that with a parameter in cfquery or a cfprocessing driective type of thing in our application.cfm.. Pretty good idea. I doubt many people use multiple sql statements in one cfquery, Also

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head... To Ben Forta

2008-07-25 Thread Claude Schneegans
That is more a function of the db. Exact, and I don't see how CF could prevent from multiple execution. It should compile the SQL code for that, and it does not. Unless ODBC/JDBC drivers have a function to disable it. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head... To Ben Forta

2008-07-25 Thread Claude Schneegans
I have to hand it to Claude - he definitely has confidence Well, unless ODBC and JDBC have some function to enable/disable multi statements, It would certainly be much trouble to implement this in CF. I've checked rapidly in the ODBC docs, and I don't see any reference to multi statement.

Re: Is this a CF bug or just a Java behavior?

2008-07-25 Thread Claude Schneegans
If you run this piece of code the first value will be 6.2, second will be a NO and then toString will result in 6.199. This is neither a CF bug, neither a Java behavior. This is a normal behavior in digital computers and the way real numbers are stored. If #c# seems to be output

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
This is a classic reason why that sort of blocking method is in my opinoin only useful for a temproary stop gap. It is actually only safe and useful for numeric parameters or dates, but for text fields obviously, something more accurate must be used. And CFQUERYPARAM won't help either. --

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
Keywords and banning IPs by themselves are not the answer Exactly. But t helps to reduce the impact. There is no panacea, only a set of measures. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See (Please send

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
and Billy New-Developer comes along and decides that someOtherQuery.someOtherValue could really do with coming directly from the user? Will he add the cfqp if it's not already there? This is irrelevant, because: 1. if both fields are numeric, there is no possibility OtherQuery.someOtherValue

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
var listSQLInject = cast,exec,execute,sp_executeSQL,revoke,grant,select,insert,update,delete,dr op,--,'; Don't forget to include user in your list. The first thing hackers try generally is to get to your table of users and passwords. -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
Do you fully understand what cfqueryparam does when binding text parameters into the query? Yes, fully. I've designed CFX_ODBCinfo, and some other tools, and I'm pretty aware of the way ODBC or JDBC drivers work. This is precisely why I can say when it is useful and when it is not. --

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
But Billy has been told to turn: SET myValue = #someOtherQuery.someOtherValue# into: SET myValue = #FORM.someOtherValue# Then obviously, he should add CFQP to the line of code in the same time, what's the problem? My point is just that in some situations, CFQP is useless, of course, is you

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
In our case, what happened was that we dropped a column that hadn't been in use for awhile, and everything broke because of the SELECT * and cfqueryparam. It may be a silly question, but why a SELECT * will brake because an unused column was dropped? -- ___

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
It shouldn't make a difference if the SELECT * is in a cfquery I see. A very particular situation though. It will not prevent me from using SELECT * when I need all fields. This is more efficient than list all of them. On the opposite, using SELECT * just to get a record count is the worse

Re: Form Spam Attack

2008-07-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
I'm not saying Captcha is bad, but I hate running into it on a site myself, Same with me. I've always wonder if some bot really ever used some character recognition system so that it is necessary to distort text so badly. Another thing that bugs me about captcha is that in case you entered

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
So you know that it *always* prevents SQL injection in a standard query (select, update or delete). Really? Can you give an example of injection that will be prevented? -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

Re: (ot) URL Hack Attempt Leaves Me Scractching My Head...

2008-07-24 Thread Claude Schneegans
ANY string passed into cfqueryparam cannot be executed as SQL: Is it really possible to get an SQL statement executed from a string for a text field without closing the string first with an apostrophe? -- ___ REUSE CODE! Use custom tags; See

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