Re: grouping with math functions

2000-05-26 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
Oh yea! I'm glad to hear that what I'm trying to do is actually complex, and it's not just my work-fried brain. ;) Thanks for the help. I'll see where it gets me. -d Deanna Schneider Interactive Media Developer UWEX Cooperative

help with approach to complicated query

2000-05-25 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
Okay, I give up. I'm asking for help on this one. I have a form, where people can select 0-1-many states and years. The codes for those are passed to an action page, where varieties of alfalfa that were tested in those states and/or years are displayed. The user can choose two varieties (and

Re: Query suddenly taking 7 times longer

2000-05-23 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
It is possible to do "faked" stored procedures with Access. You fake it by using a view, like so: CREATE VIEW sp_empbydept AS SELECT * FROMemp WHEREemp.dept_id = [empdeptid] "Empdeptid" would be the parameter that you would pass into the query from your cold fusion code. If you run

Re: OT: School Days - (was: Lighten things up a little)

2000-05-15 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
My position required a bachelor's degree, simply because I work for a university and it's an academic staff level position. But, my degree is in African Cultural Studies and Art History. Hm...I suppose that might be helpful if I ever want to write a cf_translate_to_Yoruba tag -d

Re: Need help reducing the number of queries

2000-05-12 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
If you want a good book on SQL, check out SQL for Smarties Second Edition by Joe Celko. I haven't gotten all the way through it yet, but what I have gotten through has really helped me think of queries differently. -d Deanna

Re: Slightly OT: Lighten things up a little

2000-05-12 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
How about: You know you're a cf programmer when the nameplate on your office door says "cfcodegrrl" Deanna Schneider Interactive Media Developer UWEX Cooperative Extension Electronic Publishing Group 103 Extension Bldg 432 N.

Re: Checked? Checked=yes?

2000-05-09 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
If you want to pass "yes" to the action page, you should use value="yes" with checked. If you want to pass "5" the following is correct. CFINPUT TYPE="RADIO" NAME="Part3_2" VALUE="5" CHECKED? Only fields that are checked will be passed, so on the action page, ifyou want to check if something

Re: TwoSelectsCombo and IE5/WIN2K

2000-05-09 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
What's the actual error? I've only had problems with the javascript when I've tried to test it without actually putting the select inside form tags, or when I've had multiple forms on one page. -Deanna Deanna Schneider Interactive

Re: The CF Studio default template

2000-05-08 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
You have to explicitly tell cf that what is passed is a session variable. Sooo, on the action page, set the form variables as session variables: Example: cflock scope="session" timeout="30" type="exclusive" cfset session.fname = "#form.fname#" cfset session.lname = "#form.lname#" /cflock Note

application and session variables together

2000-05-04 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
How do you lock when you have two different kinds of variables in the same query? For example: cfquery name="example" datasource="#application.dsn#" SELECT * FROMusers WHEREusers.userid = #session.userid# /cfquery Do you lock the where statement separately, nested in the overall

OT - IIF function in Access

2000-05-04 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
Hi folks, this is a bit OT, but I thought there might be a better way to do what's not working in CF anyway, so here it is: I have the following code: cfset week = #now()# - #createtimespan(7, 0, 0, 0)# cfset month = #now()# - #createtimespan(30, 0, 0, 0)# cfset year = #now()# -

Re: OT - IIF function in Access

2000-05-04 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
Thanks, John, but that's not really the problem, I don't think. The query works if I use constants like this. cfquery name="pullcount" datasource="#dbvar#" SELECT IIF(10, sum(totalbirds), 0) AS weekbirds, IIF(10, sum(totalbirds), 0) AS monthbirds, IIF(10, sum(totalbirds), 0)AS yearbirds,

Re: Updatign a YES/NO record

2000-05-04 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
James, Change the name of your id is a reserved word. Make it "formid" or something. set checked = 1 should work. You wouldn't need the '1' or "1" for a yes/no field. -d Deanna Schneider Interactive Media Developer UWEX

Re: CF Presentation for my class

2000-05-03 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
Oops. My bad. It's -d Deanna Schneider Interactive Media Developer UWEX Cooperative Extension Electronic Publishing Group 103 Extension Bldg 432 N. Lake Street Madison, WI 53706 (608) 265-7923

Re: SQL! i'm losing it

2000-05-03 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
Your USERID field is a number, but you use the single quotesis it a number field or a text field in the database? '' = text field -d Deanna Schneider Interactive Media Developer UWEX Cooperative Extension Electronic Publishing

Re: joining tables

2000-05-02 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
You need to join these tables some how. snip... SELECT CLIENTS.CLIENT_NAME, PRODUCTS.PRODUCT_NAME, CATEGORY.CAT_ID, CATEGORY.CATEGORIES FROM CLIENTS, PRODUCTS, CATEGORY WHERE CLIENTS.CLIENT_NAME='#session.client#' /snip Add something like the following: AND products.prod_id = category.prod_id

Re: Session variables

2000-04-28 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
It would seem that you're setting your cfparam tags on the wrong page You'll need to set them on the action page, after the user has entered their data. Then, it would be something like: cflock name="#session.sessionid#" timeout="30" cfset session.storeprod = prod#form.prodid# cfset

Re: maintaining decimal place

2000-04-25 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
I think (not positive on this one) that it has something to do with Access 2000, versus earlier versions. It used to be unnecessary to format a value that came from a currency field or a number field. They were automatically formated from within the database. But, since I've been getting Access

Re: simple createODBCdate question

2000-04-20 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
Date is definitely a reserved word in Access, and will throw errors. -d Deanna Schneider Interactive Media Developer UWEX Cooperative Extension Electronic Publishing Group 103 Extension Bldg 432 N. Lake Street Madison, WI 53706


2000-04-19 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
Hi Folks, I see this has been asked about on Allaire with no answers given, so I thought I'd try here. Has any one figured out a way to modify the cf_twoselectsrelated custom tag so that more than one can be performed on the same page? -or- Does someone have a solution for having 3 sets of

three table sql join

2000-04-17 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
This is slightly off topic, but I'm sure there are sql gurus out there who know how to do this. I'm trying to join three tables (category, subcat, catrelation), pulling all records from category, and using the cf_twoselectsrelated tag to output the results, so that if someone chooses a category,

Re: garbarge at top of .cfm pages

2000-04-17 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
Supposedly this is fixed in the latest update (4.5.1). Our admin hasn't installed it yet, so can't say for sure. It tends to happen on macs running IE. -d Deanna Schneider Interactive Media Developer UWEX Cooperative Extension

Re: Is there a CFUG in SE Wisconsin?

2000-04-14 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
We have a cfug for people associated with the university system We meet monthly in Madison. My guess is that we'd be willing to open up to others, if anyone's interested. I'd have to double check, though. -d Deanna Schneider

Re: WAY OT BUT: you may have experienced this.

2000-04-10 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
You might just try bypassing this problem by asking them to convert their fonts to outlines/paths. (This works particularly well when the files are Illustrator files.) -d Deanna Schneider Interactive Media Developer UWEX Cooperative

Re: Programatically setting search path for custom tags

2000-04-04 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
Couldn't you just have people use cfmodule? It allows you to pull custom tags from anywhere. So, each user could have their own custom tags folder, and reference a custom tag by calling cfmodule template="customtags/mytag.cfm" something="attributetopass" -Deanna (having just figured this out

cf 4.5 visible headers in IE for Mac

2000-04-03 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
Hi folks, We've installed CF 4.5, working with netscape web servers (forgive me for not knowing specificsI'm not a server admin). The CF server is on a different box than the web servers (an apparently new feature with 4.5). Anyway, when someone views a cf-driven page with IE for the

Re: CFFILE error

2000-03-29 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
I had that problem until I added the enctype to my form tag. See below. form action="uploadaction.cfm" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" input type="file" name="testfile" The form field specified in the CFFILE tag (FILMESSAGE) does not contain an uploaded file. Please be sure you

Re: Ordering a list

2000-03-27 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
Or try #listsort(yourlist, "text")# -d Deanna Schneider Interactive Media Developer UWEX Cooperative Extension Electronic Publishing Group 302 Hiram Smith 1545 Observatory Dr. Madison, WI 53706 (608) 265-7923

Never Mind.

2000-03-27 Thread Deanna L. Schneider
This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --=_NextPart_000_0339_01BF97ED.BF8B8B60 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Scratch that last post. I don't actually need to do the sql that way. = Drill down it is. Sorry.

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