This one has me really stumped. I'm running a pretty simple cfmail script to
send out email messages to a user list. Up until now I was simply doing it
with a browser reload but the client recently doubled the number of emails
they want to send to about 57,000. So I decided to implement this with
cfthread wrapped around my loop containing the cfquery and cfmail code. The
idea being that the server simply returns the page to the browser and kicks
of a massive send job in the background. Once the mail script completes an
email is send to the user saying " I sent your email to X people, I started
at xx:xx and finished at xx:xx" 

My testing worked perfectly and the client used it on smaller email jobs
without a problem, I tried it for the first time yesterday on the main
massive list and about a third of the messages were sent out before the
server seemed to hang. Looking at the logs I saw loads of JVM errors
referring to "GC" aka the garbage collector.
The specific log entry was: "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit

The server seems to have no problems sending about 10-15k emails using this
process but when I try it on this one big list it results in all kinds of
problems so I'm wondering if this is an issue with cfthread, JVM, CF 8.0.1
or my code.

I'm wondering if this anyone else has tried to do this and seen the same
problem; and if so how did you go about solving it?

My setup is Coldfusion 8.0.1 (64bit) running on Red Hat Enterprise 5, the
server itself is a nearly new core i7 Dell PowerEdge with Raid SSD hard
drives and 12Gb RAM; in other words it should look at 57k emails and just
laugh at the smallness of the list :)

I've included the outline of my send code just in case someone spots
something really stupid in my code:

<cfthread name="" action="run">

<cfset startingTime = '#timeformat(now(), "HH:MM:SS")#'>

        <cfquery datasource="#Application.ds#" name="gn">
        Grab info to send in email
        <cfloop list="#Form.sendToList#" index="e">

                <cfquery datasource="#Application.ds#" name="gu">
                Grab user details based on ID contained in "e"
                                <cfmail to="#emailSendTo#" 
                                        from="#gn.addName# <#gn.addEmail#>" 
                        <cfcatch type="any">
                        <div style="color:red;">
                                Failed send: -
#cfcatch.message#<br />

<cfset endingTime = '#timeformat(now(), "HH:MM:SS")#'>

<cfmail to="#getauthuser()#" bcc="" from="Ed <>"
subject="I finished sending your newsletter">#gn.msgSubj# sent to
#listlen(Form.sendToList)# people

Started: #startingTime#
Finished: #endingTime#


best wishes,

      -= Ed

Edward Chanter
Technical Innovations Manager
Collaborative Connections Ltd.

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