Re: HTML problem

2001-03-22 Thread Heather Haindel
If images are designed at one size and displayed at another, chances are that something's going to look funny. What I've done and heard recommended is to cushion the edge(s) with table cells filled with background color or a solid color image (depends on which browsers you need to support).

Re: Query join problem

2001-03-19 Thread Heather Haindel
This will get you the email addresses for exact matches (zapSearch = body) for one advert_details record. This should at least help get you started. SELECT zapEmail FROMzap z WHERE zapSearch IN (SELECT body FROMadvert_details WHERE

Re: OT Flash List

2001-03-01 Thread Heather Haindel
There is also the flasher list at chinwag... (under technical in the left navigation bar). --- "Guy J. McDowell" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi CF_Folks, I'm trying to find a list similar to this one about Flash and ActionScripting, to no avail. Can anyone point me in the

RE: Learning Javascript Books,

2001-01-08 Thread Heather Haindel
The best book we've got here at work for JavaScript is "Professional JavaScript" (ISBN: 1-861002-70-X). There's also IRT's JavaScript FAQ which has excellent specific examples at Heather ~~ Structure

Portland, Oregon: Ben Forta to Present

2000-11-27 Thread Heather Haindel
From an Internet Professionals Northwest ( mailing list... Directions to OHSU are available at the IPN web site. *** ColdFusion 5.0 Preview with Ben Forta Tuesday December 5, 2000 *** Allaire’s

Re: Input type=File

2000-11-10 Thread Heather Haindel
In your form tag, you need to set the enctype: form name="formname" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="action.cfm" method="post" onSubmit="return formCheck()" --- Norman Elton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Well I'm not particularly looking for any photojournalists, BUT: I'm trying to do an

Re: HTML problem still here...

2000-10-30 Thread Heather Haindel
This should help: If it doesn't, try going to - click on search at the top and type in your function name, select your scope and click search. Good Luck, Heather --- ibtoad [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SQL UPDATE question (was Update Query/Output question from a newbie)

2000-10-24 Thread Heather Haindel
Mike, You need to remove the quotes from your ID field (which is a number, I assume...) CFQUERY DATASOURCE="dbcms" UPDATE tbldistrib SET distrib_name='#Form.distrib_name#', distrib_city='#Form.distrib_city#', distrib_state='#Form.distrib_state#',

How to disable JavaScript popup windows...

2000-08-22 Thread Heather Haindel
I'm not sure it was here, but I remember someone asking about how to get rid of all the windows some ISPs open up when a user loads your page... I haven't tested this, but I ran across a possible solution this afternoon...

Re: more questions from an obvious newbie

2000-08-02 Thread Heather Haindel
Before calculating any line prices, set some variable to zero. Add each line price to this variable as you calculate the line price...your variable will then equal the sum of the line prices. --- Jon Tillman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I need a bit more help (suprise). I am wondering how I would

Re: Javascript:Writing you're own validation routine.

2000-07-28 Thread Heather Haindel
In order to use this from HTML, I would use onClick="return validate()" for a button. Then the function submits the form. Not sure if this applies to your case or not. --- Angél_Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Ok, in order to validate a date of the format 01-Jan-2000, someone wrote a

Re: Help with passing values via url hyperlinks

2000-07-25 Thread Heather Haindel
Here's the basic idea... URL: a href="formpage.cfm?button=value" action page: if url.button=optiona do this stuff if url.button=optionb do different stuff else do some default thing If the forms are basically the same, you can just set the form's action attribute and use the same

Re: Results from several like tables

2000-07-25 Thread Heather Haindel
select fielda, fieldb, fieldc from JAN2000 union select fielda, fieldb, fieldc from FEB2000 etc. Should do the trick. --- Howie Hamlin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have a client application where monthly data are stored in a single database (Access 2K for now) but in

Re: Request Server Variables

2000-07-18 Thread Heather Haindel
This is a web server thing. As far as I know, certain server variables are always available. Check the documentation for you web server for details. --- Frank Mamone [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Is this CF4.5+ specific? What is the scope and longevity of its contents?

Re: problem with primary key

2000-07-13 Thread Heather Haindel
Double check that your record actually exists. select id from table where id=x (where x is the id you are trying to update) --- gregg Kachel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, haveing a crisis here. Everything was working fine earlier, now all of a sudden when I try to do an update on my

Re: OT: ASP!

2000-06-11 Thread Heather Haindel
It'll puke if they put in an invalid user name and password. Check for rs.eof before you display their name and color. --- David Shadovitz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Can any of you ASP programmers tell me whether the following code will work? It is the action page of a login form. It should

Re: Update Query

2000-06-03 Thread Heather Haindel
You need a primary key field that the user shouldn't be able to modify. Autonumber is the easiest way to do it in Access. That's the only way to uniquely identify a single record in your table. Otherwise, your data integrity would be compromised. --- Miriam Hirschman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Re: Formatting Table Join Output question

2000-05-17 Thread Heather Haindel
; "Edit this Entry/A/B /CFOUTPUT /CFMAIL On 5/16/00 5:34 PM, Heather Haindel at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Based on the tables I gave below, I would use this: select e.eventname, e.eventdescription, a.audie

Re: Database Structure Question

2000-05-15 Thread Heather Haindel
Assuming I understand correctly, you have two entities...audience and event. Each event on your calendar can be classified under one to many audience (types). Each audience (type) can be a classification for zero to many events. That gives you a many to many relationship between audience and

*answer?*Re: Question(banging my head against a wal)

2000-05-12 Thread Heather Haindel
Try cf_querytoarray in the developer exchange. Then you'll be able to have the number of fields and their names. --- Clint Tredway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I am trying to build a dynamic browser based database utility. Is there a way to output

RE: REVERSE QUESTION --- Is there anything that Cold Fusion can do that ASP can't do?

2000-05-10 Thread Heather Haindel
I have yet to find a way to get .asp to duplicate the functionality of cfinclude. I guess this is supposed to be fixed w/ the new version (of IIS or ASP?)... __ Do You Yahoo!? Send instant messages get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.