Re: XMPP gateway cfc as a web service?

2009-12-21 Thread Jason Fisher
Do the methods have access=remote on them? ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive:

Re: Searching a Date Range

2009-12-17 Thread Jason Fisher
With queryparam you don't need the createODBCDate() function: SELECT blah FROM tblCalendar WHERE EventDate BETWEENcfqueryparam cfsqltype=CF_SQL_DATE value=#form.someStartDate# / AND cfqueryparam cfsqltype=CF_SQL_DATE value=#form.someEndDate# / Also, note that in SQL Server,

re: detect multiples?

2009-12-11 Thread Jason Fisher
The following will only execute the stuff inside the CFIF statement if the count is *not* a multiple of 6. cfloop from=1 to=96 index=i cfif i mod 6 !--- do whatever you need to --- /cfif /cfloop ~| Want to reach the

RE: Load-balancing servers

2009-12-10 Thread Jason Fisher
Have had good luck with hardware load balancing from Coyote Point. We used client vars so that sessions weren't lost even when users were moved across 4-5 servers, but cookies should provide you the same behavior. Works especially well if you've got your uploaded files in a single shared

re: convert this cfscript back to tag?

2009-12-10 Thread Jason Fisher
cfloop list=#form.whatToUpdate# index=i cfset form.ID = i / cfset form.newRank = form[rank_ i ] / /cfloop ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion

re: Basic user stats via Coldfusion

2009-12-07 Thread Jason Fisher
Include it in the onSessionStart method of Application.cfc and it will run only once per login. If you really only want it once per day (if, for example, users sometimes logout/in several times per day), then you could add a date test to the log INSERT query: cfquery ... IF NOT EXISTS (

Re: UNICODE with cfqueryparam tag

2009-12-04 Thread Jason Fisher
First check that the necessary columns are set to ntext or nvarchar, not text or varchar. If that's not the issue then put the N in front of each, as Paul mentioned. If that doesn't work, then what version of SQL Server are you on ... older versions may not support 8-bit entries ... never

re: IsValid() email checking issue

2009-12-03 Thread Jason Fisher
As a hack to your script, how about adding a simple string test? cfif not isValid(email, emailVal) or emailVal is not trim(emailVal) ... handle exception ... /cfif That would leverage isValid() for the actual string content, but it would separately catch any address that hadn't been trimmed.

Re: where NOT IN question

2009-12-02 Thread Jason Fisher
Note that an empty value will cause the IN statement to fail, so depending on the input I sometimes need to do something like this: SELECT stuff FROM somewhere cfif listLen(form.listOfIDs) WHERE id IN (cfqueryparam list=true value=#Form.ListOfIds# cfsqltype=cf_sql_integer/) /cfif

Re: CF clustering with Standard version vs Enterprise version

2009-12-01 Thread Jason Fisher
We always had good luck with hardware load balancers from Coyote Point, managing connections to 4 or 5 clustered web servers. For apps that needed to maintain seamless persistence, we used client vars (stored in the central DB), which allows the application to keep a running connection to a

Re: Looking for a CF 8 host

2009-11-26 Thread Jason Fisher
+1 for CrystalTech ... been using them happily for several years now. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive:

Re: Question about CF8 on Win 2003 Server

2009-11-26 Thread Jason Fisher
Doesn't matter at all. CF just interacts with the web server ... that's all. If you had code that used machinename, that would be an issue, but the server installation is unrelated. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community

Re: cfimage: jpg that is really a gif

2009-11-17 Thread Jason Fisher
Could it be that they are coded as CYMK images? It's a jpeg format that browsers and Adobe's ColdFusion Image engine cannot handle. Save them back out as RGB (the web version vs the print version) and you may be all right.

Re: Better manage bulk update process

2009-11-13 Thread Jason Fisher
No, you shouldn't need to specify end, but make sure there's a timeout sufficient for the process to complete. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion

Re: CFQueryparam Oh now I 3/ hate you o_O

2009-11-12 Thread Jason Fisher
I do a similar check with #not isDate(arguments.startDate)# with cf_sql_date types as well. Handy little trick being able to drop the NOT in there like that. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want?

Re: Better manage bulk update process

2009-11-12 Thread Jason Fisher
Just a note that the CFTRANSACTION needs to be around the entire block of CFQUERY statements, or else it does you no good ... cftransaction cftry cfquery DELETE some stuff /cfquery cfquery INSERT some stuff /cfquery cfquery UPDATE some other stuff /cfquery cfcatch type=Database trap your error

re: Hosting options

2009-11-10 Thread Jason Fisher
Have been very happy with CrystalTech. About $24 / quarter on shared hosting, and they've been solid. Lots of file space and plenty of DB space for my needs. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they

Re: (OT) Best windows subversion server

2009-11-10 Thread Jason Fisher
Have not used CollabNet, but the install from VisualSVN took about 20 minutes a year ago and we haven't had to touch it since except to install update patches, which have been seamless. Definitely solid. ~| Want to reach the

RE: I need a new IDE.

2009-11-09 Thread Jason Fisher
@Justin, I had been giving CFB a decent run for its money, but still lovin' HomeSite+ for all the reasons you list. For me, the move to Windows 7 64-bit at home means that I cannot even install HS, let alone use it, so I've been having to give it a full focus effort. So far, I don't mind

Re: Solution for Flash videos needed

2009-11-09 Thread Jason Fisher
+1 for LongTail player. Easy to implement, very good JavaScript controls. We have implemented on both ColdFusion and ASP.NET sites and been very happy with it. Just need to get the player and the JS library and then code your videos as FLV files. Pretty slick. On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 5:20

Re: Minor confusion on variable scopes

2009-11-02 Thread Jason Fisher
Yes, in the methods of Application.cfc, you need to specify the scope, including the Application scope. For Application attributes (sessiontimeout, name, etc), you can specify those in the THIS scope, but only outside the methods: cfcomponent cfset = myApp / cfset

Re: Suddenly can not connect to our Acitive Directory server.

2009-11-02 Thread Jason Fisher
I've done the try / catch block before, and it does work. I would test the primary AD first and then on any error, I would check the secondary AD server. Worked quite well, actually. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community

Re: Baffled by Lost Session

2009-11-01 Thread Jason Fisher
I don't remember what version of CF you said you were running (and the HoF site's not responding), but using CFLOCATION directly after CFSET session.blah = will actually fail to set the session in CF6.1 and before. Can't remember if this affects 7 or not, but I don't think so.

Re: FKCEditor URL Vars

2009-11-01 Thread Jason Fisher
Figure out which popup is being called (generally a .html file) and rename it as .cfm and then find all the references to the .html file and change them to .cfm (generally the calls are in fckeditor.js or one of the plugins/*/*.js libraries). Once you have the popup in CFML you can do all

Re: SQL Update questions

2009-10-30 Thread Jason Fisher
Need more information ... what type of data is in the checkbox values? how is the table set up? how does the checkbox data relate to the other data in the form and in the table(s)? ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community

Re: CF, IE6 Ext JS Oh My!

2009-10-30 Thread Jason Fisher
So, Ext.isReady is like $(document).ready() in jQuery ... good to know if I ever play around with Ext. It's a convention in jQuery to wrap all those sorts of functions in a ready() call for just this reason: $(document).ready().function { doMyStuffNowThatWeAreDoneLoading(); }

re: Scheduled tasks timeout vs. server timeout

2009-10-28 Thread Jason Fisher
You can put requestTimeout=[seconds] right into the URL, IIRC. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive:

Re: Education

2009-10-24 Thread Jason Fisher
I just love that the video labels him a manualist ... awesome. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive:

Re: Education

2009-10-23 Thread Jason Fisher
I've got a BA and an MA, but neither one is in CS or MIS ... Classics (Ancient Greek and Latin). The 'requirement' of CS / MIS schooling tends to come from HR, rather than IT hiring managers. Not always true, but often. Completely agree that the degree is immaterial vs the demonstrated

Re: How to display LARGE amounts of Data in a Timely Fashion

2009-10-22 Thread Jason Fisher
If you're putting the data on 10 different tabs, then only call or render the data for the first one and use DHTML / Ajax to load the each other tab only when a user clicks on it. Basically, it's slow right now simply because the size of the HTML document being returned to the user is

re: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException on XML Struct?

2009-10-22 Thread Jason Fisher
If is empty, then the first pass at index=1 would be invalid. Can you verify that the the XML has at least 1 cities child? ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they

re: OT database problem

2009-10-22 Thread Jason Fisher
I'd need to see the datatype of the zipcode column as well as the content of the 'valid zipcode' variable before I could answer the question, but my guess would be that there's a discrepancy in datatype: '#validZipCode#' when it should be #validZipCode# or something like that.

Re: OT database problem

2009-10-22 Thread Jason Fisher
Yeah, an nvarchar(5) with a '81416' in the WHERE clause should work just fine! Glad you've found a working path. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion

Re: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException on XML Struct?

2009-10-22 Thread Jason Fisher
@Matthew, Good call on the from=1 to=0 ... you're right that it wouldn't execute at all ... hm ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists

Re: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException on XML Struct?

2009-10-22 Thread Jason Fisher
Sounds like it may just be trying to load the entire 187 MB into memory and choking on that? Perhaps overall memory usage is the real issue and the OutOfBounds message is only a false report of a problem related to empty memory spaces. Good luck debugging that!

Re: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException on XML Struct?

2009-10-22 Thread Jason Fisher
Ah, Leigh may be on to it: If the XML is blank or even if just the 'country' element is empty, than 0 is still 0, but 0 can't be determined, since 'cities' wouldn't even exist in the arrayLen( test is 'country' is empty. That would be why your new first test

Re: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException on XML Struct?

2009-10-22 Thread Jason Fisher
But before you can use CFLOOP the file had to be read into memory ... something had to be there for CFLOOP to take action *on* ... Matthew Reinbold wrote: Sounds like it may just be trying to load the entire 187 MB into memory No. My initial approach was to attempt to load the entire

Re: Help with lists and query

2009-10-22 Thread Jason Fisher
Once you have a list, you can do the following directly in the database clause: WHERE zipCode IN ( cfqueryparam cf_sql_type=cf_sql_varchar value=#zipList# list=true / ) ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with

Re: Checking line 26 or 27

2009-10-20 Thread Jason Fisher
How about something like this (untested): cfset crlf = chr(13) chr(10) / cfset lineArray = reMatch(crlf, myFile) / cfif len(trim(lineArray[26])) cfset invoiceNumber = trim(lineArray[26]) / cfelse cfset invoiceNumber = trim(lineArray[27]) / /cfif The variable 'invoiceNumber' should now hold

Re: Checking line 26 or 27

2009-10-20 Thread Jason Fisher
Damo, Did you try the attempt I outlined above (reproduced here)? You've got to get the lines into an array first, then you should be able to refer to them by [26] or [27], as Peter and I pointed out. How about something like this (untested): cfset crlf = chr(13) chr(10) / cfset lineArray

re: cannot insert record with #createodbcdatetime(now())#

2009-10-13 Thread Jason Fisher
you don't need to use createODBCDateTime() with CFQUERYPARAM. just cfqueryparam value=#now()# cfsqltype=CF_SQL_TIMESTAMP that should do it ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know

Re: reading text from images

2009-10-02 Thread Jason Fisher
Agree with Alan here. If you need ancient handwritten docs to be databased and/or search-ready, I would recommend finding a couple college types to do some data entry for you at $10 / hour and get it done that way. OCR can't pick up the possible variations among various handwriting forms.

re: reading text from images

2009-10-01 Thread Jason Fisher
Just saw this on the wire yesterday: Don't know any more about it than that article, but maybe it's helpful. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with

re: selecting different template based on file name

2009-09-22 Thread Jason Fisher
The error means that InvoiceTemplateType_Key is a column in both tables, so you have to let the database know which one you actually want. Use your table aliases: cfquery name=qgetcreditnotetemplate datasource=#request.dsn# SELECT

Re: drop down box

2009-09-22 Thread Jason Fisher
Richard, Let me see your entire CFSELECT statement and we should be able to figure out how to get the empty First Option to work for you. It is entirely possible to do what you're trying to do. ~| Want to reach the

Re: drop down box

2009-09-22 Thread Jason Fisher
Note the initial empty option. Also, note that you only need 1 set of enclosing cfoutput tags. cfset lookupOptionsArray = listtoarray(Blood,DNA,Other) / cfselect name=sampleType size=1 multiple=no style=width:200px required=yes message=Please select a Sample Type to continue. option

Re: drop down box

2009-09-22 Thread Jason Fisher
Seems like it. Do you have any custom onSubmit stuff in JS that might be interfering with the CFFORM processing? ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion

Re: Best approach

2009-09-16 Thread Jason Fisher
Or look into an AIR app with Flash and the embedded Derby database? AIR will help you handle the sync from local to server. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of

re: warm stand by for a coldfusion application

2009-09-14 Thread Jason Fisher
Have had really good luck with Coyote Point load balance hardware. Set up 2 (or more, we had 5) servers running the same apps and then the LB in front to guide traffic. We used to use client vars (instead of session vars) to manage user-to-app connections that were seamless even across

Re: Displaying image from a byte array

2009-09-14 Thread Jason Fisher
Go to the documentation for the fingerprint device, then, to determine what the file format is. There are a number of formats that browsers can't handle (not CF, but the browsers themselves), such as progressive JPEG and CMYK JPEG. If it's one of those, then you may need a 3rd party

re: Using CFHTTP to grab a Google News RSS feed

2009-09-14 Thread Jason Fisher
That path works fine for me, output with cfdump var=#xmlParse(cfhttp.fileContent)# / Looks like the same content entries I get if I just point my browser directly to Can your web server resolve the DNS for

Re: (ot) International countries and states/provinces/administrative div. database

2009-09-10 Thread Jason Fisher ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive:

Re: (ot) SVN Question

2009-09-09 Thread Jason Fisher
Totally agree with Cameron on this. One of the great benefits of version control is that you can continue to monitor development changes while still only pushing updates to production when the whole set of changes is ready to go. I may have a set of changes that takes several days to code,

re: Quick question on cflock...

2009-09-09 Thread Jason Fisher
If you are on CF8+, then my understanding is that locking READ functions is no longer required. If you're still on CFMX 7, then, yes, cfif arrayLen(session.customer.custerrors) is a READ function and should be locked. Or was it is CFMX 7 that made the READ lock less important?

Re: Quick question on cflock...

2009-09-09 Thread Jason Fisher
Thanks for the clarification, Charlie. Something in the back of my mind was hollering CF7 at the end of that last post, which is what made me post that last caveat. Your point about the race conditions is the key, definitely. In most of my apps, the chance of a race condition within the

RE: Quick question on cflock...

2009-09-09 Thread Jason Fisher
On CF8, following Charlie's response earlier, you do NOT need a READ lock, unless you think there could be race conditions (a pending Ajax call that writes the var you're trying to read, for example). If you DO need to lock, then, yes, the lock would go *outside* of the CFIF statement, since

Re: (ot) SVN Question

2009-09-09 Thread Jason Fisher
+1 for Visual SVN Server. Took our network admin about 10 minutes to install it, and the updates have been just as painless. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of

re: CFC's.. Why use them?

2009-09-08 Thread Jason Fisher
Just a quick thought: If, for example, you are building reusable, singleton components (sorry for the OO buzzwords, but it is descriptive terminology), then you can load those CFCs into Application scope and have them exist in memory only once but still be used across all requests in the

RE: CFC's.. Why use them?

2009-09-08 Thread Jason Fisher
like starting your microwave on fire to cook your supper over it That is a wonderfully expressive metaphor (and accurate to the example, too!) ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them

Re: Embedding Flash Files in CF Page

2009-09-08 Thread Jason Fisher
Am not familiar with Mura's setup, but my guess is that a baseURL or something is being defined somewhere that is causing trouble for the relative paths to player and/or video source files. Glad you got it working, though!

re: onSessionEnd clearing session scoped variables

2009-09-08 Thread Jason Fisher
IIRC, by the time onSessionEnd() is triggered, the session struct has already been cleared. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive:

Re: Embedding Flash Files in CF Page

2009-09-05 Thread Jason Fisher
Hmmm, that works for me day and day out, regardless of whether mime types have been set, as far as I can recall. Possible issues I can think of would be bad path somewhere (should be relative to the template locatoin): * make sure that the script reference is properly pointing to the

Re: Embedding Flash Files in CF Page

2009-09-04 Thread Jason Fisher
Get a copy of swfobject.js from Google Code ( and then get a copy of mediaplayer.swf (can be free, depending: Put this in the head: script type=text/javascript src=js/swfobject.js/script Then put this

Re: Embedding Flash Files in CF Page

2009-09-04 Thread Jason Fisher
Yeah, just give each DIV a unique ID, each video gets its own script block, and then make sure that each so.write() method references its matching DIV's ID, and you'll be good to go. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community

re: verity search term error

2009-09-02 Thread Jason Fisher
What's the error? ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive:

Re: (ot) automatical re-diretion from youtube

2009-09-01 Thread Jason Fisher
+1 @Dominic I gotta believe that working with a published and documented API is, by definition, the LEAST messy option out there. If YouTube gives you exactly what you need to get to where you want to be with a few lines of JS, I would recommend doing that!

Re: access dynamic structure value

2009-09-01 Thread Jason Fisher
currentRecord is a property of a query, not a query itself and you don't need it to loop over a query = use the cfoutput syntax to loop over your query: cfoutput query=myQuery #item_name#br / /cfoutput ~| Want to reach the

re: ACT! Database to GoDaddy Hosting

2009-08-30 Thread Jason Fisher
Not viable at all. If the backend is SQL Server, though, you could the other way around: host the SQL database with a data provider and have the ACT! client connect over ODBC. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community

Re: adding a deciamal point in front of a number

2009-08-28 Thread Jason Fisher
Or if you want a 'real' number, if you're more comfortable with that, then just divide by 100: cfset myNum = 20 cfset newNum = myNum / 100 cfoutput#newNum#/cfoutput ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something


2009-08-27 Thread Jason Fisher
My guess is that they're staging data calls and still routing through their API objects to handle authentication / validation and all the other business logic they have in place in their API model. ~| Want to reach the

re: Simultaneous Web Service Requests From Same Template

2009-08-21 Thread Jason Fisher
Depends on the web service, I would guess. Does its API allow you to do a search that pulls back all inventory, across the various room types? Then you could iterate over a single collection within the room type loop on your server, instead of having to make the round-trip to their server

Re: Replacing characters in a string

2009-08-20 Thread Jason Fisher
Good call on the parens. I had those in the original since I had ripped from code that did use the /1 element later on. Also, you could use #reReplaceNoCase()# as an alternative to [aA] ... but I like the [aA] better, for no particular reason.

re: Replacing characters in a string

2009-08-19 Thread Jason Fisher
Try this: cfset ad = reReplace(form.addesc, (/?a[^]*), , all) / ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive:

Re: odd error calling function in cfc

2009-08-15 Thread Jason Fisher
You don't really need the CFIF test, since CFOUTPUT will only render if there are records. Simplify like the example below and see if it still gives you trouble. If it does, then check that the add_option() method isn't erroring ... cfoutput query=getOptions cfset

Re: (ot) sql server 2005 express sp3 installation onto vista os

2009-08-12 Thread Jason Fisher
Actually, I run SQL 2005 Express on my Vista box at home for dev work, and it's actually been fine. SQL Express has its own problems (what do you mean I can't move data with it??), but that's not a Vista issue. ~| Want to

Re: (ot) sql server 2005 express sp3 installation onto vista os

2009-08-12 Thread Jason Fisher
Looks like it's still Vista SP1, Home Premium Edition. No clue what version of the Installer is in place. There are no entries in those keys that are specific to the installer itself, at least not on my OS. ~| Want to reach

Re: Using Active Directory to connect to a database.

2009-08-05 Thread Jason Fisher
If your users have to login to the application using NTFS authorization, such as if you disable Anonymous access in IIS, then CF will have access to the user's network credentials and you could pass those into the query calls: cfquery name=getMyStuff datasource=mySqlDatasource

re: Map/Grid Application

2009-07-30 Thread Jason Fisher
I've not seen anything in a grid like that, and not sure what you actually are trying to do, but if you're looking for geocoded visualization at a level more granular than just Zip, I highly recommend looking at Universal Mind's SpatialKey product. It will map by Zip or all the way down to

re: Use CFELSE or Let Logic Fall Through?

2009-07-29 Thread Jason Fisher
Completely acceptable to leave out the CFELSE if there is no alternative action that needs to be taken. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists

re: list from array occurences

2009-07-29 Thread Jason Fisher
listVar = left(repeatString(VarChar,, arrayLen(arrayVar)), ((8 * arrayLen(arrayVar)) - 1)); that just creates a list of VarChar,VarChar,VarChar, based on the arrayLen() and then removes the final ,. ~| Want to reach the

Re: list from array occurences

2009-07-29 Thread Jason Fisher
Good call, Barney ... forgot all about the removeChars() function ... haven't used that one in years. Good reminder! ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion

Re: list from array occurences

2009-07-29 Thread Jason Fisher
he's not looking for the array element values ... he wants the actual string 'VarChar' once for each element. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing

Re: CFBuilder Code Coloring

2009-07-29 Thread Jason Fisher
Recent blog post about colorizing CFB was linked from the CFB blog. Looks like his notes would allow you to colorize any tag the way you wanted. Haven't played with it myself yet. ~| Want

Re: CFTRANSACTION with MS Access Database

2009-07-28 Thread Jason Fisher
Try putting your CFTRY / CFCATCH around the outside of the CFTRANSACTION ... the error handler is not triggering your roll-back, I would guess. cftry !---//Starting Transaction - cftransaction !---//QUERY1 Insert

Re: Request in cfhttp tag.

2009-07-28 Thread Jason Fisher
Glad to help! ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive:

Re: CFTRANSACTION with MS Access Database

2009-07-28 Thread Jason Fisher
try / catch is still the right way to capture errors, but if it's inside the transaction, then the TR won't fire. if this isn't working, though, then I gotta question whether Access supports transaction locking at all? It's been years since I used it, so I can't vouch one way or the other

re: Invalid parameter binding - again!

2009-07-28 Thread Jason Fisher
Don't put ' marks around CFQUERYPARAM ... it already handles that for you. Also, you were missing pound signs around several of the params. INSERT INTO dbo.Businesses ( CountyID, CityID, CategoryID, SubCatID, SubCat2ID, BusinessName, Address, Zip,

Re: Alternatives to multiple 'if/else if' statements

2009-07-28 Thread Jason Fisher
cfswitch / cfcase is the way to go ... except that it won't do a CONTAINS for you, only a string or list element match. That being said, if you can do a string match (instead of a partial string match), then a single cfswitch has better performance than 30 cfif tests ...

Re: Encrypt/Decrypt error

2009-07-27 Thread Jason Fisher
Your example shows the same input for decrypt as you used for encrypt ... hopefully that was just a typo, otherwise it's probably your issue. (decrypt) decrypt(FORM.password,request.seed,request.algorithm,request.encoding) In other words, I would expect something more like this: encPwd =

Re: cfif, cfifelse problem... Invalid token 'apos;'...

2009-07-23 Thread Jason Fisher
Just because I can't help myself, you may find the whole thing more readable, and easier to maintain with a CFSWITCH statement in place of all those ELSE's. Also probably more performant with only parsing the string once or twice per loop. cfoutput query=Recordset1 cfset route =

re: cfquery

2009-07-22 Thread Jason Fisher
I think you want it this way, using a CASE statement for the leadmgr column. I also moved all your subselects into left joins, which should give a bit better performance. cfquery datasource=askseaton name=getOffices result=varibles select s.address + ' ' + s.address2 + ' ' + s.address3 +

re: Request in cfhttp tag.

2009-07-22 Thread Jason Fisher
Change type to url, I believe. cfhttpparam name=address type=url value=00353 ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of Fusion mailing lists Archive:

RE: getDirectoryFromPath Question

2009-07-20 Thread Jason Fisher
Try it without 'form.' in the filefield: cffile action = upload filefield = embarkFile destination = #application.physpath#data\ nameconflict = overwrite accept = text/plain attributes = Normal / Assuming

RE: getDirectoryFromPath Question

2009-07-20 Thread Jason Fisher
Not a surprise, really. The fileField tells CF to look for that variable name in the FORM scope, so that if it was a custom tag, for instance, CF would try this: form[attributes.filefield]. form[form.filefield] would in invalid in that case ...

Re: Comparisons - Your thoughts

2009-07-15 Thread Jason Fisher
I have long been in the habit of using EQ and NEQ (and now moving to == and !=) for numbers in all cases, since there is no such thing as 'sort of equivalent', like there is with strings ('foo IS FOO' etc). For strings I use IS, unless case is important, and then I use CompareNoCase().

re: Weird error

2009-07-14 Thread Jason Fisher
Lose the single quotes around the CFQUERYPARAM ... it already handles that for you: UPDATE dbo.Courses SET CourseName = '#Trim(form.coursename)#', CourseDesc = cfqueryPARAM value=#form.coursedesc# CFSQLType=CF_SQL_longvarchar /, Cost = #form.cost#, MaxStudents =

Re: New CF8 vulnerability

2009-07-08 Thread Jason Fisher
They're (mostly) only replacing files down deep in the fckeditor's filemanagement folder, so it's not as scary as it sounds. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of

Re: aggregate query problems

2009-07-07 Thread Jason Fisher
Hmmm ... do you get a record for every language group if you CFDUMP that query or if you run it directly on the DB server? ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the House of

Re: aggregate query problems

2009-07-07 Thread Jason Fisher
LOL, I know that feeling. With that LEFT JOIN, though, you should see records even where there are none in tbl_demographics ... odd. ~| Want to reach the ColdFusion community with something they want? Let them know on the

Re: aggregate query problems

2009-07-06 Thread Jason Fisher
I think you need an outside table that has just your 4 language_groups in it, and then LEFT OUTER JOIN to ensure you get at least one record for each language, with the COUNT()s that can be zero. SELECT tbl_langs.language_group, Count(tbl_demographics.contact_id) AS CountOfcontact_id,

<    1   2   3   4   5   6   >