> Hi all,
> I am hoping someone can help me out here. I have been trying to 
> install CF8 on my new Windows 2003 virtual dedicated server. I use the 
> Standalone Server configuration, installed on all IIS websites. After 
> the install I am getting 401.3 errors when I try to access the CF 
> Administrator or Plesk login.
> I recently reprovisioned the server, so everything is back to the 
> original state, before the CF install.
> Here is the IP address of my server:
> An example site hosted on my server: http://www.modologies.com/
> It is a GoDaddy server, and it seems like it has to do with user 
> permissions. Unfortunately, user permissions in Server 2003 is not my 
> strong suit.
> There are some documented cases I found in a google search but none of 
> them really provided any results. I am hoping someone can point me in 
> the right direction. I think it is in regards to this problem: 
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/321390/en-us. It could also be 
> something in regards to this as well: http://kb.adobe.
> com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=a9eb1bad&sliceId=1
> Plesk and the one website I have setup in Plesk continue to work, 
> until the CF8 install reaches this point: "Installing Web Server 
> Connectors"
> EDIT: I should note, if someone has experience installing CF8 in 
> Windows 2003 Server, I will give you the details to Remote Desktop to 
> my server. If you describe the problem and how you fixed it i'll 
> PayPal you some cash (like $50 or something)...
> Thanks,
> -Erik 

First, uninstall any ColdFussion installation from your server. Next, open the 
System Properties (i.e. right-click and choose Properties of the My Computer 
icon) of the server, open the Advanced tab, click the Performance Settings 
button, click the Data Execution Prevention tab, and change the setting to 
"Turn on DEP for essential windows programs and services only", click OK until 
you're back to the desktop and restart the operating system.

This should be all you need to make it work, though the following tips are a 
good idea anyway...

Make sure you have cleared everything you can out of the Windows Temp folder 
(e.g. "C:\WINDOWS\Temp") and your own temp folder (e.g. "C:\Documents and 
Settings\Your_Account_Name\Local Settins\Temp").

Run the installation at the console of the server, either physically or via 
Remote Desktop (i.e. "mstsc.exe /console"), from the original CD or from a 
folder on the server that does not have any spaces in its name (e.g. 
"C:\CFMX7CD") -- not from a folder with spaces in the name, and not from a UNC 

I hope this helps.

-- Jeremy 

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