404 onMissingTemplate works with html, not with cfm

2008-09-26 Thread Paul Ihrig
ok.. i am not sure what to look at. if you type a file like whatever.htm our custom 404 page pops up just fine. but if it is a missing .cfm i just get the cf debugger, and not a 404.cfm page you know The web site you are accessing has experienced an unexpected error. Please contact the website

Re: 404 onMissingTemplate works with html, not with cfm

2008-09-26 Thread Paul Ihrig
i have a Missing Template Handler in cf admin /404.cfm also the default 404 in IIS points to 404.cfm every thig works well UNLESS it is a missing *.cfm file then the 404.cfm seems to be ignored and i get the cf debugger looking thing saying file not found. 404 URL /404.cfm

Re: 404 onMissingTemplate works with html, not with cfm

2008-09-26 Thread Paul Ihrig
Justin Can you explain this in greater detail? thanks On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 11:49 AM, Justin Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: but if it is a missing .cfm i just get the cf debugger, and not a 404.cfm page If you're running IIS, you can set the ISAPI filter and extension handler to check if

Chrome: Cfinput text area: fckeditor

2008-09-25 Thread Paul Ihrig
the fckeditor in cf8 dosnt seem to render in chrome. any ideas? danke -paul ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: Chrome: Cfinput text area: fckeditor

2008-09-25 Thread Paul Ihrig
so how do i updated the fckeditor that cf 8 uses in its rich text area for cfinput? On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 10:39 AM, Ryan Stille [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Paul Ihrig wrote: the fckeditor in cf8 dosnt seem to render in chrome. any ideas? danke -paul I believe it only works in Safari/Chrome

e/pop conferencing CF authentication

2008-08-22 Thread Paul Ihrig
Hey Guys Is any one here using e/pop conferencing? i am trying to figure out a way to force users who register on our site to pass un/pw to the epop server. but i cant find much documentation on it. so was just going to see if any one here is using it, and how. right now our users just get a

Re: HELP! SQL Injection Attack!

2008-08-08 Thread Paul Ihrig
what are you seeing if you limit email to unique IP's? ours is way down if we do that. we are just sending unique ip's to one of our GREAT it guys to insert into ban list in firewall. should figure out how to auto add remove ip's On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 11:03 AM, Les Mizzell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Right of @ Replace email

2008-07-28 Thread Paul Ihrig
i know i have done this befor i am trying to get the values of an email address from right of the AT @ symbol. so far i can get the stuff from the left then try to use replace to clear it out but next to my replace i still am retuning the domain like @gmail.com i just want gmail.com cfset xclude

Re: Right of @ Replace email

2008-07-28 Thread Paul Ihrig
thanks Greg instr isnt a function in CFC but you lead me to #right(getaUser.usr_email, find('@', getaUser.usr_email))# which is just what i wanted. thanks! -paul ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and

Re: Right of @ Replace email

2008-07-28 Thread Paul Ihrig
Robert that works great as well. thanks On Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 2:40 PM, Robert Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Try #ListLast(myfield,@)# Robert B. Harrison Director of Interactive services Austin Williams 125 Kennedy Drive, Suite 100 Hauppauge NY 11788 T : 631.231.6600 Ext. 119 F :

cfzip unzip into a specific folder

2008-07-15 Thread Paul Ihrig
hey guys i have a form ask users name of folder they would like to extract there zip file it uses cffile to upload the zip, and cfzip to extract it. cfzip action=unzip destination=#cffile.serverDirectory# file=#cffile.serverDirectory#\#cffile.serverFile# overwrite=yes / but it extracts it to

Re: cfzip unzip into a specific folder

2008-07-15 Thread Paul Ihrig
HELP! if i set store path to false, nothing works if i leave it out it creates the directory i pass as a form field, using cfdir. test_01 then upload the zip into the dir, using cffile test_01/t1.zip then extracts zip into created dir say: test_01/t1/ all my files and directories. but i really

Re: cfzip unzip into a specific folder

2008-07-15 Thread Paul Ihrig
if i use entry path. it dosnt extract it at all. cfzip action=unzip destination=#cffile.serverDirectory# file=#cffile.serverDirectory#\#cffile.serverFile# overwrite=yes entrypath=#cffile.serverDirectory# / same with setting storepath=no / i think if i cant get this to work the way i think it

Re: cfzip unzip into a specific folder

2008-07-15 Thread Paul Ihrig
ok so how do i after i upload test1.zip into the folder test1_folder extract the contents including folder structure into /test1_folder/ and not /test1_folder/test1/ seems like it should be very simple. thanks -paul ~| Adobe®

Re: cfzip unzip into a specific folder

2008-07-15 Thread Paul Ihrig
never mind. i couldn't get it to work from reading the tutorial it works fine to extract one level above just renaming the dir with cfdir. sucks tho -paul ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic

Flash banner from ColdFusion

2008-06-22 Thread Paul Ihrig
Flash banner from ColdFusion Hey guys. i am looking for a tutorial on how to create a random slide show/banner from data in coldfusion. basically i want to loop through the images and blurb, and do a sipmle fade in from one to the other. i think

Re: Flash banner from ColdFusion

2008-06-22 Thread Paul Ihrig
that looks pretty good. would it be able to pull in text that changes as well? pretty much want to do it so it is a random product, that has image blurb as well as link to the landing. also to flag a product as a feature to show up if needed. just looking for a way to learn how to do it. but i

cfkeditor rewriting cfif

2008-06-11 Thread Paul Ihrig
i am trying to put a cfif statement in the source view of the fckeditor inside the richtext input field and it keeps re writing my cfml any ways to stop it from rewriting code in source? thanks -paul ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8

Re: cfkeditor rewriting cfif

2008-06-11 Thread Paul Ihrig
, 2008 at 4:16 PM, Paul Ihrig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: i am trying to put a cfif statement in the source view of the fckeditor inside the richtext input field and it keeps re writing my cfml any ways to stop it from rewriting code in source? thanks -paul

cf8 Ent to standard.. System Probe!

2008-05-27 Thread Paul Ihrig
hey guys we downgraded from trial ent to full standard. i had set up a system probe in ent. now i cant un do it or change it since it went to standard. i still get alerts, but cant undo probe! ideas? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8

Re: cf8 Ent to standard.. System Probe!

2008-05-27 Thread Paul Ihrig
CAR? thanks Ray On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 7:28 AM, Raymond Camden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Remove your serial #. Your server will be in dev mode. Do your edit, then enter the serial again. FYI, this is also a nice way to quickly do CAR work for backups. On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 5:47 AM, Paul

Re: cf8 Ent to standard.. System Probe!

2008-05-27 Thread Paul Ihrig
ok, how to i remove the serial number? i see i can enter one i tried - but no go ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

IN operator varchar to INT ms sql 2000

2008-05-27 Thread Paul Ihrig
Hey Guys! i am currently doing a LIKE to see if the value is in a list but i know this is wrong because as the list grows i will run into problems say my url var is cfm?n1Id=6 i can do on my select statement AND Events_Placement LIKE (N'%#URL.n1Id#%') but am afraid if i get a 16 or 61 i will hose

Re: IN operator varchar to INT ms sql 2000

2008-05-27 Thread Paul Ihrig
ok... i have been trying to just make lists like this for the last 3 weeks. guess your right will create a new table and do it the right way. thanks! -paul On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 10:20 AM, Dominic Watson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Events_Placement_ID (PK - autoincrementing integer) Events_ID

ListGetAt problem distinct

2008-05-21 Thread Paul Ihrig if you click the accessories tab you can see i have repeating accesories in the Fans works fine if i pull out numbers that are repeated and add them to a new category.. which i am probably going to make the data entry guys do... sure

mssql beyond compare tool?

2008-05-20 Thread Paul Ihrig
is there a mssql2k beyond compare tool? i have a failing server with tons of crap on it. 1% free space. need to move old back ups, create new backups, then migrate them... i need to move the databases to a newer server. but they have about 45% overlap in database names. so looks like the

Re: mssql beyond compare tool?

2008-05-20 Thread Paul Ihrig
thanks a bunch guys for the recommendation. downloading toolkit 14 day trial.. hopefully it will help. i need to come up with a migration plan.. so much fun playing doctor when i have a new site that needs to be out mid june..

Re: easy one! : comma separated list from cfoutput

2008-05-13 Thread Paul Ihrig
ORDER BY ascList that still gives me ascList 132 135 135,132 On Tue, May 13, 2008 at 12:37 PM, Robert Harrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Order by ascList... that should get DISTINCT to work. cfquery name=getAccessory datasource=listit SELECT DISTINCT ascList FROM dbo.list WHERE

Re: easy one! : comma separated list from cfoutput

2008-05-13 Thread Paul Ihrig
ian, that is exactly what i am doing. but i am storing a list inside a column to refer to user created groupings of items. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: easy one! : comma separated list from cfoutput

2008-05-13 Thread Paul Ihrig
lets try this productTable pId, acList 1.3,5,7 2.2,3 accessoryTable aID, Products 2.1,2,3 3.3,4 5.2 7.12,15, et.. the user basically selects aa aid from the accessories table in the form of a check box. and ascociates as

Bind Problem cfinput to check boxes...

2008-05-08 Thread Paul Ihrig
so i have this cfinput cfinput type=text name=ascList bind={Assign} bindonload=true it is bout to a checkbox value.. cfinput type=checkbox name=Assign checked=#checked# value=#aId# you should be able to check uncheck multiple boxes, or just type in the id's you want.. the check box is in a

Re: Bind Problem cfinput to check boxes...

2008-05-08 Thread Paul Ihrig
think i found my problem cfif getAccessory.ascList contains '#getAscList.aId#' cfset checked=true cfelse cfset checked=false /cfif ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release

CONTAINS issue help

2008-05-08 Thread Paul Ihrig
ok i have a issue with Contains. and am not sure how to resolve it... in a cfoutput loop i am looking at a list of id's like 5,31 if the id is 5 or 31 it bolds some thing i was doing that by. cfif ascList contains #aId#strong#aId#/strongcfelse#aId#/cfif this was fine at first. but now i am

Re: CONTAINS issue help

2008-05-08 Thread Paul Ihrig
so dense some days cfif #ListFind(ascList, aId)# ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;192386516;25150098;k Archive:

Re: Available for some part-time work (focusing on UI and/or DB)

2008-04-30 Thread Paul Ihrig
phillip. it is jobs talk... so talking here is fine... now go take your vitamins ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

flash cfformgroup type=repeater

2008-04-22 Thread Paul Ihrig
ok. i have a problem i can get cfselct to sow current selction in a cfoutput query. but when i try to do the same thing in a flash form with a repeater. i cant get the selction to be preselected. {getAscList.currentItem.titleID} shows the id i want to match. i cant do it with a bind because i get

cfgrid flash formating questions

2008-04-21 Thread Paul Ihrig
ok, have googled, but no luck. Q1. how do i align the submit button, to the insert button within the cfgrid? or remove the insertButton and make a button that does the same thing... Q2. how do i remove the column that is thrown in for id.. i have my own id column i am using, but cfgrid inserts

Re: cfgrid flash formating questions

2008-04-21 Thread Paul Ihrig
Q2: remove column, rowheaders=no colheaders=yes ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;192386516;25150098;k Archive:

Re: cftextarea: how to count characters? maxlength

2008-04-19 Thread Paul Ihrig
yeah i am not getting it scipt then form fields below var mlength=8000 var oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('descLong'); var sigcnt2 = oEditor.GetXHTML(true); if (sigcnt2.length==0) { alert('You need to enter something for the body of your story.'); return false; }

Re: cfForm binding text field, visible to checkbox

2008-04-19 Thread Paul Ihrig
ok... i can bind from the cftextarea... but why cant i Len the chars? cfinput type=text bind=LEN({descLong.text}) name=word_count id=word_count style=border:0px; size=50 width=300 height=40 Characters remainingbr / ~| Adobe®

Re: cftextarea: how to count characters? maxlength

2008-04-19 Thread Paul Ihrig
was meant to go here cfinput type=text bind={descLong.length} name=word_count id=word_count size=50 Characters remainingbr / how can i do Len() inside the bind? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and

Re: cftextarea: how to count characters? maxlength

2008-04-19 Thread Paul Ihrig
ok this works, is slow and dosnt update from the cftextarea, unless i type into the regular textarea, then it does... if any one knows a better way to count the characters in a cftextarea where richtext is true, please let me know.. cfinput name=word_count type=text

cftextarea: how to count characters? maxlength

2008-04-18 Thread Paul Ihrig
hey guys i am using cf8 and in my cftextarea richtext=true and maxlength=8000 is there a js or function that would show the user how many charecters the have used and how many are left in a textarea or text field? thanks much -paul

cfform flash ie6 -press ok to continue loading the content of this page

2008-04-18 Thread Paul Ihrig
ok, just found press ok to continue loading the content of this page when using IE 6 its on a page that uses cfform flash and a 3 select realted thingy... i have googled press ok to continue loading the content of this page but am not finding what i would expect... any one have a quick fix?

Re: cftextarea: how to count characters? maxlength

2008-04-18 Thread Paul Ihrig
at the underlying code window (an iframe I think) and not the display window or your count will be off. -Original Message- From: Paul Ihrig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 8:34 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: cftextarea: how to count characters? maxlength hey guys

Re: cfform flash ie6 -press ok to continue loading the content of this page

2008-04-18 Thread Paul Ihrig
hey kevin. am trying it but i still get the pop-up to allow item. i see form below as normal, but once i click ok it vanishes! every thig works fine in ie7 and ff ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and

Re: cftextarea: how to count characters? maxlength

2008-04-18 Thread Paul Ihrig
Message- From: Paul Ihrig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 8:34 AM To: CF-Talk Subject: cftextarea: how to count characters? maxlength hey guys i am using cf8 and in my cftextarea richtext=true and maxlength=8000 is there a js or function

Re: ColdFusio 8.0.1 cfinput binded variable truncating off leading zero in a text string?

2008-04-18 Thread Paul Ihrig
pass it as text. not as numeric On Fri, Apr 18, 2008 at 11:36 AM, James Blaha [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I have a CFC that returns a string variable zip code. When it gets passed back to a binded variable in a cfinput tag the leading zero gets cut off. Any ideas? -Jim

Re: cfform flash ie6 -press ok to continue loading the content of this page

2008-04-18 Thread Paul Ihrig
could it be a multiple ie's issue? ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;192386516;25150098;k Archive:

Re: cftextarea: how to count characters? maxlength

2008-04-18 Thread Paul Ihrig
hey Kris.. sry to be a dumb ass but is 'theBody' the form name? is 'theBodyTest' the cftextarea name? its such a cool js just want to be able to use it... ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic

Re: ColdFusio 8.0.1 cfinput binded variable truncating off leading zero in a text string?

2008-04-18 Thread Paul Ihrig
can you do a cfqueryparam value=#yourVar# cfsqltype=cf_sql_varchar maxlength=50 ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: OT: need an opinion

2008-04-15 Thread Paul Ihrig
put the letters in the faces are you starting a cult? there aren't enough these days... -that's my opinion ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: OT: need an opinion

2008-04-15 Thread Paul Ihrig
isn't that the airport call to Burlington VT? if so... the icon is not getting across the vibe of btv if not change your icon ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free

cf8 System Probe, where did restart server go?

2008-04-14 Thread Paul Ihrig
ok.. did this get removed? on cfserver system probe i see Execute the program but not sure iuf this is a absolute path, or url.. should i just point it to C:\ColdFusion8\bin\cfstatt.bat thanks guys.. -paul ~| Adobe®

Re: cf8 System Probe, where did restart server go?

2008-04-14 Thread Paul Ihrig
no thing? no one? only got 2 pages from cfwack8 book3 On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 9:28 AM, Paul Ihrig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: ok.. did this get removed? on cfserver system probe i see Execute the program but not sure iuf this is a absolute path, or url.. should i just point it to C

cf8: Scheduled Tasks: cfftp

2008-04-10 Thread Paul Ihrig
i have a page using cfftp to move files from one server to another. if i open the file in the browser it loads moves the file just fine. but if i put the url, in a Scheduled Tasks on the CF8 server, it says it ran. but the file never shows up on our server. the file being run is behind a little

Re: cf8: Scheduled Tasks: cfftp

2008-04-10 Thread Paul Ihrig
ok i just moved the file out of the secured area it ran just fine which is great, but how do i pass my un/pw in cfadmin, schedualed task... i have my pass in there. ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important

Re: cf8: Scheduled Tasks: cfftp

2008-04-10 Thread Paul Ihrig
nm.. found a bit of code i needed. man coldfusion is great! ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;192386516;25150098;k Archive:

Re: cf8: Scheduled Tasks: cfftp

2008-04-10 Thread Paul Ihrig
sure.. was simple, just had to pass url vars do bypass security. let me know what you need when you need it... the schedual task thing is pretty simple. the ftp all i am doing is grabbing files nightly renaming then with the date like file.04.10.08.txt and saving then to local server. then using

QoQ question - left outer join

2008-04-09 Thread Paul Ihrig
why cant i do a left outer join in a qoq? FROM getZMA LEFT OUTER JOIN getEQ ON getZMA.Material = getEQ.sap_partnum WHERE (getEQ.sap_partnum IS NULL) tried FROM getZMATMAST, getEQ WHERE (getZMATMAST.Material = getEQ.sap_partnum) AND (getEQ.sap_partnum IS NULL) but that dosnt return what i want

Re: QoQ question - left outer join

2008-04-09 Thread Paul Ihrig
ok... wierd, i am only getting one result in my #getEQnum.sap_partnum# i know there should be 36 results... cfquery name=getNEQnum dbtype=query SELECT DISTINCT getZMA.Material FROM getZMA, getEQnum WHERE getZMA.Material NOT IN ('#getEQnum.sap_partnum#') /cfquery

Re: QoQ question - left outer join

2008-04-09 Thread Paul Ihrig
found a fix! cfquery name=getNEQnum dbtype=query SELECT getZMA.Material FROM getZMA WHERE (1 = 1 !--- Make sure the current record does NOT match any records in the B query.--- cfloop query=getEQnumAND getZMA.Material '#Material#'/cfloop) from:

escaping # in a password...

2008-04-08 Thread Paul Ihrig
ok... some one is using a # in a ftp password. how do i escape it in this tag? cfhttp url=ftp://sername; port=21 username=jahdata password='[EMAIL PROTECTED]' name=getdata resolveurl=no firstrowasheaders=no delimiter=|/cfhttp thanks -paul

Re: escaping # in a password...

2008-04-08 Thread Paul Ihrig
cfhttp url=ftp://server/FILE; port=21 username=jahdata password='[EMAIL PROTECTED]' name=getdata resolveurl=no firstrowasheaders=no delimiter=|/cfhttp ok... the file i am trying to read has no file extension. just filename. also it is only located in a ftp directory.. could the Pipe '| as a

Re: escaping # in a password...

2008-04-08 Thread Paul Ihrig
yeh cfftp worked just fine. but now i cant read the file. keep getting Incorrect number of columns in row. cfhttp method=get charset=utf-8 url=http://theserver/theFile.04.08.08.txt; name=gettheFile firstrowasheaders=no file=theFile.04.08.08.txt delimiter=| /cfhttp grrr... getting frustrated..

cfhttp delimiter pipe |

2008-04-08 Thread Paul Ihrig
delimiter=#chr(10)# which is a new line, returns 82 results.' but is i do delimiter=| i get the error. Incorrect number of columns in row. cfhttp method=get charset=utf-8 url=http://theserver/theFile.04.08.08.txt; name=gettheFile firstrowasheaders=no file=theFile.04.08.08.txt delimiter=| /

Re: cfhttp delimiter pipe |

2008-04-08 Thread Paul Ihrig
my bad textqualifier=quot; ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;192386516;25150098;k Archive:

cfform flash required field...

2008-04-07 Thread Paul Ihrig
ok.. i am trying to make a field required if a check box has been clicked. i can seem to be able to do this like required={(imp_O.selected == true)?false:true} i can only seem to be able to do it by using the disabled thingy... but that leaves the * on the form even when the item is hidden!

Re: cfform flash required field...

2008-04-07 Thread Paul Ihrig
there has to be a way http://www.rittal-corp.com/sales/form/index.cfm if i can force it with a disabled. then i should be able to force the required to false. this should work! required={(gm_O.selected == 1)?0:1} ~| Adobe®

cfForm binding text field, visible to checkbox

2008-04-04 Thread Paul Ihrig
i am trying to bind a text fields viability to a checkbox. based on if it is checked or not... cfinput type=checkbox name=vm_O label=Others / cfinput type=text name=vm_Other label=Please specify visible={vm_O.selectedData = 'True'} / dosnt work... thanks -paul

Re: cfForm binding text field, visible to checkbox

2008-04-04 Thread Paul Ihrig
have also tried cfinput type=checkbox name=vm_O label=Others / cfinput type=text name=vm_Other label=Please specify visible={vm_O.selectedItem.data != 'false'} / ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and

Re: cfForm binding text field, visible to checkbox

2008-04-04 Thread Paul Ihrig
sweet cfinput type=checkbox name=vm_O label=Others / cfinput type=text name=vm_Other label=Please specify visible={vm_O.selected}/ from: http://www.asfusion.com/blog/entry/binding-checkboxes-in-flash-forms now... how do i calculate results of text field on the fly? cfinput type=text

Re: cfForm binding text field, visible to checkbox

2008-04-04 Thread Paul Ihrig
i tried that too man.. On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 1:44 PM, Sonny Savage [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Just a guess... {ul3R_SSsp.text + ul4_SSsp.text + ul3r4x_SSsp.text + q4_0_SSsp.text} On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 1:37 PM, Paul Ihrig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: sweet cfinput type=checkbox name

Re: cfForm binding text field, visible to checkbox

2008-04-04 Thread Paul Ihrig
Sonny! You rock man thank you now 1 more questions Q1: how do i IF it out so i dont get NAN if nothing is enterd or if only 2 fileds are enterd? cfinput type=text name=ul3R_SSsp width=50 height=18 / cfinput type=text name=ul4_SSsp width=50 height=18 / cfinput type=text

Re: cfForm binding text field, visible to checkbox

2008-04-04 Thread Paul Ihrig
NM. just put in default value to 0 that fixed it... sw33t! ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;192386516;25150098;k Archive:

Re: sql help NEQ

2008-04-03 Thread Paul Ihrig
ok i go it i think but it just looks so weird to me.. it looks back wards but works... SELECT DISTINCT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.V_riprod_ZMATMAST.sap_partnum AS NEQnumb FROM dbo.V_riprod_ZMATMAST LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.V_riprod_Specs_ZMATMAST_EQ ON

Order by question

2008-04-03 Thread Paul Ihrig
if i have a bunch of numbers that i want to order like this in a drop dowm, how do i do it? the origional order by id was fine when the list was small.. but now it has grown. forcing it to look the way we want below is boggeling.. 1 101 101010 2 201 202 201010 201020 3 302 et... cfquery

Re: Order by question

2008-04-03 Thread Paul Ihrig
it is not sorting this way... i Want it to sort this way On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 4:55 PM, Ian Skinner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Paul Ihrig wrote: 1 101 101010 2 201 202 201010 201020 3 302 This is an alphabetical order of numbers. Why the list is being order

Re: Order by question

2008-04-03 Thread Paul Ihrig
Kris. thats closer to what i an looking for. but not exact... it now does 1 1100105 1100101 10 1001 100101 100102 1002 100201 100202 1003 100301 100303 101 i would like 1 10 101 1001 100101 100102 1002 100201 100202 1003 100301 100303 1100105 1100101 shjt.. not even sure if this makes sense...

Re: Order by question

2008-04-03 Thread Paul Ihrig
Gerald they are nums in a num field they sort correctly if i wanted them sorted like a number. but powers that be want them sorted in a was to show hierarchy.. nm... i will tell them we can recreat the table with the order they want by hand...

Re: Order by question

2008-04-03 Thread Paul Ihrig
(c) VALUES (201010); INSERT INTO tmp (c) VALUES (201020); SELECT * FROM `tmp` ORDER BY c ASC -Original Message- From: Paul Ihrig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 4:31 PM To: CF-Talk Subject: Re: Order by question Gerald they are nums in a num

sql help NEQ

2008-04-02 Thread Paul Ihrig
ok i have 2 views V_riprod_ZMATMAST returns 60 records V_riprod_Specs_ZMATMAST_EQ returns 39 records or so that are matched in another table. these i will do an update on problem i am having is the NEQ i am trying to use the view below to return all the results of the records that don't match.

Re: In need of CF training, your opinions

2008-04-02 Thread Paul Ihrig
figleaf ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;192386516;25150098;k Archive:

Trim leading zeros

2008-04-01 Thread Paul Ihrig
how would i trim the results below i only want the numbers after the zeros. 0009970656 056901 9970656 56901 thanks -paul ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to

Re: Google Maps, CF and Ajax

2008-03-23 Thread Paul Ihrig
i would be interested in learning how to create custom regions in google maps, based on zip codes. say i pull results from my sales force db in cf8. sales guy one territory is zip code 43202, 43206 43215 i would like to see a border of those combined zip codes in gmaps, with other sats based on

Verity PDF's and XML

2008-03-20 Thread Paul Ihrig
ok. inherited app. uses verity to index pdf's but really only the xml extracted text from pdfs.. if some one created the xml associated it with the db entry... which apparently no one has done in 8 months and no one knows how to.. why would some one go this route instead of just indexing the

Re: Verity PDF's and XML

2008-03-20 Thread Paul Ihrig
ok.. well i am starting to figure out why. indexing more then 5-10 pdfs at a time is slow... as in crashing slow. when i have Hundreds i need to look through... so now i just need to find a pdf to xml converter or parse it out to text and run my indexes of test files... so redundant... there has

GetFileInfo MB or kb - bytes formating?

2008-03-19 Thread Paul Ihrig
#GetFileInfo(C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/literature/pdf/#GetSectionsLit.lit_pdf#).size# this out puts bytes with no formating. 1273998 how would i get it to be 1.27 MB and say it was 273998 for it to show 27.3 kb would i do an if statement to LEN 7 and surround it with number format. seems like alot

Re: GetFileInfo MB or kb - bytes formating?

2008-03-19 Thread Paul Ihrig
i found a function called byteconvert already in use in our code. GetFileInfo is such a cool tag! much better then storing it in a db having to check it, update it, delete it... ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most

Re: GetFileInfo MB or kb - bytes formating?

2008-03-19 Thread Paul Ihrig
/1024# will give you MB format it as you wish with numberformat() Azadi Saryev Sabai-dee.com http://www.sabai-dee.com/ Paul Ihrig wrote: #GetFileInfo(C:/Inetpub/wwwroot/literature/pdf/#GetSectionsLit.lit_pdf#).size# this out puts bytes with no formating. 1273998 how

Re: jquery treeview navigation refresh problem

2008-03-11 Thread Paul Ihrig
just noticed it dosnt expand/collapse in ie6 when you click plus symbol works in ie7 and ff ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most

Re: jquery treeview navigation refresh problem

2008-03-07 Thread Paul Ihrig
();). Then render the content correctly with my framework, in this case jQuery, and finally set my original containing element display to block or blank or something other than none. Hope that helps. Adam On Thu, Mar 6, 2008 at 12:18 PM, Paul Ihrig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: hey guys. not sure

Re: jquery treeview navigation refresh problem

2008-03-07 Thread Paul Ihrig
Sonny! awsome! that looks to have worked. but now i have a menu shows up blank for a bit while page loads. not sure how to get the menu to render before every thing else.. would YUI be a better route to go? i have never used it. some other questions.. 1. i have all my pages which call cfinclude

jquery treeview navigation refresh problem

2008-03-06 Thread Paul Ihrig
hey guys. not sure if this is due to massive amount of cfif's or some thing with jquery... i am trying to use tree view on a test/stage site its slow.. i am using cfif statements to open close tree branches byt setting the class of

catch jquery validation NEQ

2008-02-26 Thread Paul Ihrig
hey guys i need some help understanding cftry/catch and how i could do server side check for equality as well as js check using jquery. my cfif/cfabort statement work to stop an insertion of duplicate id. but its not elegant. also the cftry catch / throw error never worked. so here is some

Re: catch jquery validation NEQ

2008-02-26 Thread Paul Ihrig
cfquery name=isSpecIn datasource=#request.dsn# SELECT COUNT(*) AS testCount FROM prodSpecs WHERE prodPartNum = #FORM.prodPartNum# /cfquery i just want to check to make sure specs_partnum is not isSpecIn.testCount GTE 1 script $().ready(function() { // validate signup form

zip code boundry :: google maps api

2008-02-12 Thread Paul Ihrig
hey guys. i was looking at http://www.usnaviguide.com/zipunion.htm enter in zips... 43202 43215 43201 43212 43210 43211 43222 i would like to be able to do some thing similar with google maps api and was wondering if any one has already done some thing withzip ranges, and multiple color

Re: Years, Months and Days from a date

2008-02-10 Thread Paul Ihrig
what happens if you do cfset difDate = ('#pastDate#' - '#futureDate#') cfoutput#difDate#/cfoutput ~| Adobe® ColdFusion® 8 software 8 is the most important and dramatic release to date Get the Free Trial

Re: zip code range from xls to sql

2008-01-27 Thread Paul Ihrig
so do a query to get my list of zip codes. then try to do a listtoarray or should i first do a cfloop query to try to step through the values.. man.. feeling so stoopid.. i swear i saw an example of this in a wack4-7 book some where.. but cant find it..

add value to id in js cf

2008-01-11 Thread Paul Ihrig
i have a table thats generated in a cfloop. so it spits out multiple tables. i am using jquery tablesorter to sort the tables but it only works on the first one. how would i count the tables and pass the value into js also into the ID of the generated tabel... like $(#tblRep0). $(#tblRep1).

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