I have a form that is using a cfloop query to produce a input field for 
productid quantity. It can produce several input fields depending on the query.
Example -
<td><input type=text size=3 name="QTY_<cfoutput>#prodid#</cfoutput>"></td>
In the submit processing page I need to take the productid's that have a value 
to insert into the database.

I have created a list (Plist) from the form submitted,

Then I loop through to take out only the fields that have a value, <cfloop 
list="#plist#" index="z">
  <cfif evaluate("form.qty_#z#") GTE 1>
        <cfoutput>#z#-#evaluate("form.qty_#z#")# <br /></cfoutput>
                <cfset zlist = #evaluate("form.qty_#z#")#>
                <cfset zlist = ListAppend(zlist, "#z#")>
The problem I am having is how do I make a list so when i do the update query I 
can insert the product id and the quantity. 

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