How to consume webservice that returns a object...

2006-11-17 Thread carol otisman
Hi, I have an in-house webservice(ASP.NET) that is suppose to return a base64Binary data(a image), I don't get any errors but I don't seem to get the binary data: http://picHouse/getPic.asmx?wsdl"; method = "GetPic" argumentcollection="#arr#" returnVariable = "foo"> #foo# Currently, I see

How to consume a webservice that returns binary?

2006-11-16 Thread carol otisman
Hi, I have an in-house webservice that is suppose to return a base64Binary data(a image), I don't get any errors but I don't seem to get the binary data: http://picHouse/getPic.asmx?wsdl"; method = "GetPic" argumentcollection="#arr#" returnVariable = "foo"> #foo# Can someone please tell me