cfselect not working in ie10

2013-04-11 Thread sarah mfr
Hello I have a cfselect bind and it is not working on ie10 Please I need help Thanks ~| Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now! Archive:

cfchart bar chart for group by query result set

2012-02-18 Thread sarah mfr
I have a result set that has the following columns studentid,sectionid,tracedate,duration,pagehits I want to draw a horizontal bar chart per student per section displaying tracedate as xaxis and duration and pagehits as the yaxis one below the other Thanks

how to mail merge in coldfusion

2010-12-09 Thread sarah mfr
I have a list of students (firstname, lastname, sectionname). I want to create a document of excellence certificates. I tried the following but I am getting only one page of the first student information. Appreciate your help cfinvoke

inserting a new record with identity key using cfgrid bind onchange

2010-05-18 Thread sarah mfr
I got an error message on trying to insert a row to a table with an identity column using cfgrid onchange I would like also to use a stored procedure instead of cfquery I just need how to call it and how to pass arguments to it Please look below is the code,component, and error message My

ExtJS and Coldfusion 9

2010-04-01 Thread sarah mfr
How to download extjs 3.0 which is integrated with coldfusion 9? Does this means it is free if you have coldfusion 9? How much would it cost to upgrade to extjs 3.2 and later to extjs 4.0 when it is out. Thanks ~| Want to

Integrating SSRS with coldfusion

2010-03-31 Thread sarah mfr
I am working on an internet site using coldfusion and want to integrate SSRS. I need the full functionality of reporting services and sql report service report builder If I used the Url access method mentioned in the following link what